Beet And Walnut Salad Recipe (2024)

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Beets are a root vegetable that I used to rarely cook with solely because I did not know how to prepare them in interesting ways. I find this to be true for many people. Very few recipes call for them, and rarely are they the main ingredient.

All this said, they are quite easy vegetables to cook with, and they can be a great contributor to a healthy diet. They are good raw, roasted, boiled, or even lacto-fermented. They are also very tasty, so simple salt and black pepperseasoningare often all that's needed.

Beet And Walnut Salad Recipe (1)

Strangely, the exact composition of the sugars in raw or cooked red beets isn't available on the USDA Food database, the main database for the composition of common foods.

This means that while we know that they are mainly composed of simple sugars and fiber instead of starch, we don't know for sure the fructose and glucose fractions. We can assume that they contain their fair amount of fructose and are, therefore, similar to many fruits on that matter.

This means that, even though they are a tasty source of non-toxic carbohydrates, they should still be eaten in conservative amounts most of the time. Other than that, they are a great source of folate and manganese, and they contain many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.


Just as an interesting tidbit, beets have been found to cause beeturia in about 14% of the population. It is noticeable by the pink or red pigmentation found in the urine after consuming them. The non-harmful condition seems more prevalent in iron-deficient or anemic people.

Here is a recipe for a very simple yet tasty salad. Apart from cooking the beets, which take about an hour to cook in the oven, the salad is ready in no time.

It's also an easy way to introduce beets into your diet if they are not already part of it, and hopefully, it will encourage you to make use of themcreativelyin future recipes.

Walnut addition

Walnuts are delicious andnutritiousness, but, As I discussed in my article about nuts and seeds, walnuts are not a great choice when it comes to the composition of the fat in them.

In this recipe, they are used sparingly enough, so they are not a problem at all. In fact, walnuts are used here, like most nuts should be used for good health, sparingly to add taste and texture, not by the handful.

Beet and walnut salad recipe

Serves: 4


  • 4 medium-sized red beets, stems, and ends were removed;
  • ⅓ cup walnuts, chopped;
  • 2 tablespoon balsamic vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil;
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste;
Beet And Walnut Salad Recipe (2)


  1. Preheat your oven to 400 F. Wrap each individual beet in aluminum foil and place on a baking sheet. Allow roasting in the oven for approximately one hour.
  2. Remove beets from oven and allow to cool. Once cool enough to touch, remove from foil. While still warm, peel the skin off the beets. Plastic gloves might be useful here in order not to stain your hands.
  3. Chop the beets into large chunks. Place in a medium bowl and toss in the remaining ingredients. Allow beets to marinade in the dressing for a few minutes prior to serving.

📖 Recipe

Beet And Walnut Salad Recipe (3)

Beet and walnut salad recipe

A simple and quick beet and walnut salad that's paired with an olive oil and balsamic vinegar vinaigrette. A tasty side dish to any main course.

5 from 1 vote

Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 30 minutes mins

Total Time 40 minutes mins

Course Salad

Cuisine American

Servings 4 people

Calories 168 kcal



  • Preheat your oven to 400 F. Wrap each individual beet in aluminum foil and place on a baking sheet. Allow roasting in the oven for approximately one hour.

  • Remove beets from oven and allow to cool. Once cool enough to touch, remove from foil. While still warm, peel the skin off the beets. Plastic gloves might be useful here in order not to stain your hands.

    4 medium-sized red beets

  • Chop the beets into large chunks. Place in a medium bowl and toss in the remaining ingredients. Allow beets to marinade in the dressing for a few minutes prior to serving.

    ⅓ cup walnuts, 2 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


Calories: 168kcalCarbohydrates: 11gProtein: 3gFat: 13gSaturated Fat: 2gPolyunsaturated Fat: 5gMonounsaturated Fat: 6gSodium: 66mgPotassium: 319mgFiber: 3gSugar: 7gVitamin A: 29IUVitamin C: 4mgCalcium: 25mgIron: 1mg

Keyword beet, salad, walnut

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Beet And Walnut Salad Recipe (2024)


How to make beet root salad? ›

Roast until the beets are just tender when pierced with the point of a knife, about 1 1/4 hours. Unwrap the beets and let them cool. Meanwhile, whisk oil, vinegar, mustard, honey, salt and pepper in a small bowl to make the dressing. When the beets are cool enough to handle, slip off the skins.

How to eat beets yummy? ›

You can use cooked beets in salads, to make hummus or to blend into smoothies. They can be diced for slaw, quartered for a grain bowl or mashed to make a dip or spread. Their thick and chewy texture is even great in a galette or quesadilla.

What is a good replacement for beets? ›

What are the Best Substitutes for Beet?
  • Carrots. Carrots are a wonderful and versatile alternative to beets in many recipes. ...
  • Butternut squash. ...
  • Sweet potatoes. ...
  • Parsnips. ...
  • Turnips. ...
  • Rutabaga. ...
  • 7 Celery root. ...
  • Kohlrabi.
Jan 10, 2023

Why do you put vinegar in beets? ›

The vinegar in the dressing "pickles" the beets, helping them last longer in the fridge.

How long does beet salad last in fridge? ›

Storage. This raw beet and carrot salad will last up to 4-5 days in the refrigerator. It's great as leftovers for quick lunches.

What makes beetroot taste better? ›

Sweet and tangy pomegranate juice coats small roasted beets, giving them punchy flavor. A little extra salt on top seals the deal.

Do you peel raw beetroot before cooking? ›

Keep checking whichever method you're using. Don't remove the beet skin before cooking. It's really not necessary and it's much easier to do so after cooking. Some also find that removing the skin prior to cooking takes away some of the beet's earthy test.

What can you add to beets to make them taste better? ›

The roasted beets are wonderful on their own, seasoned simply with salt and pepper, or dressed up more with citrus juice, herbs, or balsamic vinegar. Serve them with any weeknight dinner, or add them to a holiday meal. These oven roasted beets keep well for days in the fridge, so they're great for making ahead.

Is it okay to eat beets every day? ›

Can you eat beets everyday? It's always best to follow a varied diet. Eating a small amount of beetroot every day is unlikely to do any harm, but a high intake could lead to low blood pressure, red or black urine and feces, and digestive problems for anyone with a sensitivity to the nutrients.

What is the healthiest way to eat beets? ›

Roast Them

Roasting is an overall healthy cooking method with minimal vitamin loss, particularly vitamin C. Roasted beets are rich and sweet with slight mineral flavors. Remember to avoid long cooking times and high temperatures, as these can reduce nutrients. Try using smaller bulbs if you want to prepare them faster.

What is the best companion for beets? ›

Some of the best companion plants for beets are members of the cabbage family. Plant beets near cruciferous vegetables like kohlrabi, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts to help enrich the soil and improve the quality and growth of your Brassicas. 5. Radishes.

What is healthier than beets? ›

Green-leafy veggies like Arugula and Swiss chard are nutrient-dense and richer in dietary nitrates than red beets.

Does beetroot need to be cooked for salad? ›

You can also eat beetroot raw, peeled and grated into salads and slaws, or finely shaved as a 'carpaccio'. Wash and trim the leaves to use in salads and or as a garnish.

How do you prepare beet roots? ›

Wash the beets gently, making sure that you don't tear the skins, then place in a pan of warm water, bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer until tender – around 20–30 minutes. Alternatively, you can steam whole beetroot or bake them in the oven for 2–3 hours at 150°C/gas mark 2.

What is the best way to eat beetroot raw or cooked? ›

Fresh, raw beets can be finely grated into salads for color or used as a garnish for soup. But beets are usually roasted, boiled or steamed and cut into thin slices, cubes or chunks as in this Winter Beet Salad recipe. In fact, beet salads are so trendy these days that it's hard to find a restaurant menu without one.

Is beetroot salad good for you? ›

Health benefits of beets include more stamina during exercise, heart disease and stroke prevention, and lower blood pressure. You can roast, grate, or put them into soups and salads. If you're prone to kidney stones or gout, avoid beets or limit how much you eat.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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