Fall Sourdough Recipes (2024)


The best fall sourdough recipes that use sourdough starter for fall-inspired breads, rolls, cakes, and cookies.

Fall Sourdough Recipes (1)

Sourdough is for more than bread; it can be used in just about any baked good. And when fall rolls around and you’re craving pumpkin spice or apple cinnamon, your sourdough starter can still be part of the fun.

Don’t be afraid of a sour taste in these baked goodies. Adding starter to sweets mimics a sour cream or buttermilk flavor: slightly tangy, but not sour. Oftentimes you won’t notice any difference and no one will know that there’s sourdough in there at all!

Fall Baking Essentials

  • If you love fall quick breads and cakes, you will love having a special harvest themed baking pan like this sunflower harvest pan.
  • Boiled apple cider (concentrated apple cider) has rich apple flavor that’s delicious for any sweet sourdough baked good, as well as using to mix up a quick glaze.
  • Make sure to stock up on cinnamon, molasses, and nutmeg!

Sourdough Apple Cake

Our favorite use of sourdough discard in the crisp months, sourdough apple cake is loaded with cinnamon, cloves, and apples. Topped with a cream cheese frosting with a splash of apple cider, it’s a true taste of fall in one little pan.

Fall Sourdough Recipes (2)


Sourdough Pumpkin Bread

Fall Sourdough Recipes (3)

Nothing says fall baking like pumpkin bread, and if you’re looking for a moist pumpkin bread with just the right amount of spice, this recipe can’t be beat. Great, classic pumpkin bread flavor and just the slightest bit of tang from the sourdough starter. One of my favorite fall sourdough recipes!

Sourdough Apple Fritters

Who could resist a deep fried doughnut loaded with apple flavor? And this apple fritter recipe is light on the inside, slightly crisp on the outside, and has fresh apples in the batter. An absolutely delicious fall recipe!

These do need a lot of time before they’re ready, but a lot of that time is just waiting on your dough. Perfect for a weekend morning spent at home.

Sourdough Peanut Butter Cookies

Fall Sourdough Recipes (4)

Cookies say fall is in the air and back to school, don’t they? And any little person would love to come home to a plate of these peanut butter cookies on the counter. This recipe uses just the right amount of sourdough discard for a soft and chewy peanut butter cookie that the whole family will love.

???? Sourdough Pie Crust

Fall is pie baking time. Whether your favorite is pumpkin, apple, or pecan, you need a pie crust. Why not use some of your discarded sourdough starter to make some? This recipe turns out a flaky and tender pie crust every time. You’ll appreciate the detailed instructions and step by step photos that ensure even beginners will get this one right!

Sourdough Gingerbread

Fall Sourdough Recipes (5)

There’s nothing like a big square piece of old fashioned gingerbread. Warm, spicy, and not too sweet, gingerbread is perfect in fall and will carry you all through the winter. This recipe is easy to make and produces a perfectly moist spiced cake that you will simply love.

Sourdough Molasses Cookies

Molasses cookies are one of the best fall desserts! The epitome of warm and cozy spices that smell absolutely delicious while they bake, and adding your starter to this cookie recipe is a great way to use it.

Like any great molasses cookies recipe, this one turns out crisp edges and a soft and chewy center. You will love them.

???? Sourdough Cinnamon Bread

Fall Sourdough Recipes (6)

Two of the best things about baking cinnamon bread are warming up the kitchen in the morning and a sweet cinnamon smell wafting through the house. Cinnamon swirl bread is perfect for fall mornings, and you can make an easy version using your sourdough starter. This bread dough is easy to work with and uses no yeast. Shape in the evening and bake the next morning for a sweet and delicious breakfast loaf.


Sourdough Apple Cobbler

Cobbler is one of the fall desserts because its easier than pie but just as delicious. And you can absolutely use your sourdough starter in your cobbler topping.

The recipe below can be used with any fruit. To make the best apple cobbler, simply mix up apples, sugar and spices. (And of course, top with vanilla ice cream!)

Sourdough Oatmeal Muffins

Oatmeal muffins are a cozy and delicious breakfast that can be made ahead and frozen.
Muffins are a great way to use your sourdough discard, and these fall muffins are one of the best.


I’m sure you’ll find something on this list that you’re excited to bake!

Fall Sourdough Recipes (7)Fall Sourdough Recipes (8)


Fall Sourdough Recipes (2024)


Why is sourdough bread not fattening? ›

Sourdough microbes degrade the phytic acid, enhancing the nutritional quality of the bread.” If you make your own sourdough bread at home, using whole-grain flour or a combination of white and whole grain in your recipe will increase the fiber and nutrients a bit.

Is it cheaper to buy or make sourdough? ›

Making sourdough bread at home can be cheaper per loaf in the long run, but buying it might be more cost-effective if you value convenience or bake infrequently.

Is sourdough supposed to rise and fall? ›

This rise is expected and is a good indicator of strong fermentation activity. However, depending on the type of flour you are using to feed your starter, it may not rise all that high and fall all that far—and that's okay.

How quickly should a sourdough starter rise and fall? ›

When your starter is reliably rising to double or triple its size and falling in the jar anywhere between 4-8 hours after you feed it (dependent on your ambient conditions and the flour you feed with) it is ready to bake with. When the starter is at the peak of its rise, it is called ripe, fed, or mature.

Is it bad to eat sourdough every day? ›

Is it healthy to eat sourdough everyday? You could eat sourdough every day, but it isn't necessarily healthy to do so. A healthy diet is characterized by balance and moderation. Whether or not it is healthy for you to consume sourdough every day depends on the rest of your diet.

Who should avoid sourdough bread? ›

Just remember that sourdough fermentation doesn't degrade gluten completely. So if you have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, it's best to avoid sourdough bread made from wheat, barley, or rye, all of which contain gluten.

What is the disadvantage of sourdough bread? ›

Potential Drawbacks

Also, though sourdough bread does offer many benefits, it does not contain as much fiber as most whole-grain breads. Whole-grain sourdough bread does have more fiber and isn't much harder to make at home, but you're unlikely to find it at the store.

What is the best flour for sourdough starter? ›

Over the past decade-plus of baking, I've tested all manner of flour from whole grain wheat to spelt to einkorn, and while they all do work, my preferred flour to use when creating a sourdough starter is whole grain rye flour and white flour (this can be all-purpose or high-protein bread flour).

Is store bought sourdough actually sourdough? ›

Supermarket sourdough is often sourfaux – here's how to make the real thing. Mass-produced sourdough has been found to be adulterated with everything from vinegar to commercial yeast. Why not bake your own?

Can I leave my sourdough to rise overnight on the counter? ›

If you don't want to put the dough in the fridge for a cold ferment, you can leave it to proof on the counter for a little while. You do need to be careful not to let it over ferment. Ideally, you want the temperature to be on the cooler side (no more than 21C / 69.8F). Let the dough relax into the banneton.

Can I leave my sourdough starter out overnight? ›

I wouldn't go more than 24 hours without feeding a very young sourdough starter (it may survive longer than this unfed however you will leave it open to the risk of mold). Mature sourdough starter aged more than 6 months old should be able to survive unfed on the counter for around 3-4 days without any risk of mold.

What is the poke test for sourdough bread? ›

Gently press your finger into the dough on the top. If the dough springs back quickly, it's underproofed. If it springs back very slowly, it's properly proofed and ready to bake. Finally, if it never springs back, the dough is overproofed.

Should I stir my sourdough starter between feedings? ›

stir your starter in between feedings - try stirring it twice in between feedings and really give it a chance to get oxygen into the mix. This will help to activate your starter without too much effort.

Can I overfeed my sourdough starter? ›

It's important to note that overfeeding can also have negative effects on a sourdough starter if done excessively or too frequently. If the starter is overfed, it can become too acidic or develop an unpleasant odor which is the result of excess food rotting in the jar.

Why discard sourdough starter? ›

To keep your sourdough starter healthy, you need to provide it with fresh flour and water on a schedule. Each time you refresh (feed) your starter, you must discard some of the fully-fermented mixture in the jar. Discarding helps keep the acidity low in your sourdough culture, which keeps it strong and healthy.

Is sourdough bread good for losing weight? ›

But flour type and personal diet need to play a big role. Is sourdough bread good for weight loss? Yes, it may help in your weight management journey. It's complex carbs and high fibre content can leave you feeling full and limit snacking.

What is the best bread to eat for weight loss? ›

Whole grain bread is the healthiest pick for weight. It provides you with the nutrition of several whole grains like oats, barley, corn and others. Whole grain means whole kernel -the bran, germ and endosperm, which makes them highly nutritious.

Is sourdough bread good or bad carbs? ›

Sourdough has made a comeback—and for good reason. It provides nutrients, including healthy carbs, protein, fiber, iron and vitamins like folic acid. It may help improve digestion, lower chronic disease risk and even promote healthy aging.

Is sourdough bread inflammatory? ›

Refined grains, such as the grains found in white bread and white pasta, are known to increase inflammation across the whole body. Sourdough bread and rye bread are both good options for an anti-inflammatory diet. The best sourdough and rye bread varieties to reduce gut inflammation are those made from whole grains.


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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

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Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.