Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (1)

Fast, responsive, and tanky, Poisonous Concoction is not only one of the strongest starter builds, it's a flexible endgame powerhouse.

3.24 Updates


(Bear in mind that PoB does not calculate Plague Bearer damage, which is another 2+ million DPS at least, and pushes even further past DoT cap.)

Further Experiments

Due to the ease of gaining currency this league, I'm spending a lot of time and money experimenting with new versions of the build. The final - probably very expensive and very gear dependent - version promises to be extremely tanky without sacrificing any or much damage. But first, there is some cool new tech for the main build.

Following is an in depth and rambling explanation of the various moving parts for those who are interested. Continue at your own peril.

The Problem

The standard version of the build doesn't generate Frenzy (and so Affliction) charges when attacking single target bosses. That translates into a pretty substantial single target damage loss. We are still doing damage north of 20 million in those cases (I think - it's hard to tell the exact number), but it's not an ideal weakness.

The obvious way to generate Frenzy charges on a single target is to run Poacher's Mark. However, the build can only support 2 curses, which we're already using (Temporal Chains, and Despair). There are ways to get more curses, but every one of those reduces damage and other abilities so much, it's not worth considering. The best of them is to swap our chest for Cospri's Will, but the build doesn't quite work. It immediately runs into extreme mana/ES issues, as well as taking a pretty severe hit to damage and movespeed.

Another solution is to return to using a now very inexpensive non-Replica version of our old chest Farrul's Fur. The upside of that is we have permanent maximum Affliction charges. However, we have to allocate skill points to increasing charge duration again, lose all the benefits of The Restless Ward, and suffer a substantial damage loss that I'm not sure can be solved. It also means re-balancing already very strained resistances, because the only place to put Aspect of the Cat is on the shield.

Perhaps worse though, the build feels just a little clunky again. It works in that form though, and an example version is available here:

Level 100 Farrul's Fur version - 37 million DPS, 130k eHP

The Solution

Well... it turns out after much fiddling that it's complicated. The solution that actually works involves a very specific Precursor's Emblem, liberal use of Fertile Catalysts, and an even more specific rare Jewel.

Fully Frenzy charge generating Level 100 - 41.5 million DPS, 91k eHP

165k eHP, Chaos Res maxed version incoming when I'm not quite so broke. Experimentation is rather expensive.

Failed but really interesting non-solution

UPDATE: Unfortunately the solution below doesn't work consistently. I'm not sure what's happening as it seems to work sometimes, but not others. It's a shame, because it was an elegant use of edge case mechanics.

Hold on to your hats, this goes deep into the minutiae of PoE curses.

There is a heirarchy to how curses overwrite each other. My solution takes advantage of the following:

If multiple curse skills trigger, they apply in this order: Main Hand ⇒ Amulet ⇒ Helmet ⇒ Off-Hand ⇒ Body Armour ⇒ Belt ⇒ Gloves ⇒ Boots ⇒ Ring 1 ⇒ Ring 2 with the earlier one getting replaced.

I want Poacher's Mark to overwrite Temporal Chains when attacking a single target rare/unique, just long enough to generate the chance of a Frenzy charge. Because of the above rules and Temp Chains being on our gloves, the only way is to put the gem in our boots with a Mark on Hit gem. Theoretically, that will mean nothing changes until attacking a rare or unique mob, and then Poacher's Mark will replace Temporal Chains with every hit, and hopefully generate a Frenzy Charge.

Aaaaaand, it works.

The benefit of this solution is that it has no effect on clear speed. The tech only kicks in on rare/unique single targets, and it does so automatically. There are two addendums - we lose Plague Bearer, and the effect of Temporal Chains on bosses. However, the damage loss from Temp Chains is much less than the damage loss we were suffering from the lack of Afflication charges on bosses, and we couldn't use PB during boss fights anyway. It has also allowed the reintroduction of Withering Step, which just takes the place of PB with exactly the same button pressing rhythm.

Also, we didn't ever really need PB to hit damage cap, it was just a nice-to-have for clearing. With Poison Proliferation from our Ascendency, and corpse explosion on our Cluster Jewel now, it's hardly needed.

After getting a 23 Quality gem, and increasing the effective quality further with a level 4 Enhance Support, Poacher's Mark has a solid chance to grant a Frenzy charge on hit (11%) when attacking single targets.

Updated Level 100 - 41.5 million DPS, 110k eHP

Immortal Call/CWDT is moved to the shield, which can now also socket Withering Step or Dash. I got extremely lucky with my craft and scored 4 Green Sockets on the boots (a 1:4000 chance no less), but only 3 are really necessary.

Semi-Final Thoughts

The new version of the build is better than the old one in several ways, and worse in one - it's slightly less tanky overall. The new uniques are great, and improve the QoL of the build, as well as removing our vulnerability to what was a very annoying map mod (monsters steal Frenzy charges on hit). They are also easier to acquire, and significantly cheaper - this league at least.

The only exception to that is our BiS double corrupted gloves, which remain so stupidly expensive they are viable only for the most dedicated and/or stupid. That would be me.

The league itself has some enjoyable and accessible map farming strategies that make currency generation relatively easy. That's mainly thanks to the new scarabs and extra Atlas Trees. Getting to 100 has also never been easier with the experience scarabs. The league mechanic is average bordering on bad in my opinion, and PoE's UI is desperately showing its age. The unavoidable corpse popups are ludicrous. But the core game is in a really good state.

Overall I recommend the build this league if you enjoy the gameplay. With the new gem particularly, it's never felt better.

Let me tell you a story...

I think I just pulled off the greatest bit of build sleight of hand of my admittedly modest PoE career.

So, I wanted the usual stun avoidance mod on the Quicksilver Flask while running all the uniques necessary for the new build version. But uniques allow very little flexibility in resists, and I needed another 21 Lighting Resistance before I could drop the "of the Rainbow" mod that was on the flask, and remain resistance capped. After hours of fiddling and researching, I disappointedly decided it just wasn't possible. I would have to live with the stuns.

Then I got slapped around by a level full of goats (that stun constantly), and almost died multiple times. Not being stun immune - which the flask mod would give - can be a very bad thing, especially for a Pathfinder who has less HP to absorb unmitigated melee hits. It also just feels bad to play.

With renewed vigour, I dug deeper... and deeper. At the bottom of a convolution of corrupted implicits, tattoos, catalysts, and passive skill witchery, I found it.

For those who will understand, I give you my newly stun immune + resistance overcapped Poisonous Concoction Pathfinder. There is something there that I haven't seen done before, and that I'm still surprised works (you'll need PoB to see it):

Level 100 - 41.5 million DPS, 104k eHP

I thought it was dead, but it's not

With the loss of last league's Wildwood Ascendency, the previous league's gutting of PConc damage has been revealed. We are at less than half our usual damage i.e. the build is useable, but not worth the expense...

...or that would be the case if not for some help from Reddit and Twitch streamer Jungroan. There's a way to fix it. We're back in business.

Stay tuned.

UPDATE: New version PoB posted above. We hit DoT cap easily at max level. The eHP seems low, but the build feels tankier. I don't think PoB is reflecting the calculation of the effect of the boots correctly.

The reasons for the damage are the following new uniques. We lose some HP, but it feels as if we gain durability. Not sure what's happening, but it's good!

There is a version of this that uses a Replica Badge of the Brotherhood, giving us a number of Endurance Charges equal to our Frenzy Charges. That's a massive increase in physical damage reduction - the build's weak point. It might be a little less damage at max level, and definitely a few less HP which we can ill afford, but I'm still figuring it out.

Early thoughts and the new Bouncing gem

It turns out the new Poisonous Concoction of Bouncing gem is great, for several reasons. It *feels* better than the normal gem - snappier and more responsive. One of the small downsides of PConc was always the slight delay between when you threw and when the potions hit. The new bouncing mechanic reduces that significantly. The chained bounces are self-targeting, which also takes a lot of pressure off aiming, letting us shoot and run with more effect.

Damage-wise it seems very similar. On bosses I suspect it's better as the potions all hit in a much tighter area (they soft target the single mob - it's something to behold), guaranteeing a more consistent damage output. That, and it's very satisfying - the only real reason to play anything.

I hoped there might be an overall improvement in Health Potion consumption, and though it sometimes seems as if there is, other times it seems as if there isn't. I suspect it might actually be bugged, or it is mitigating and then increasing the cost at different times through a mechanic that isn't immediately obvious.

All in all, I'm sold, and intend to use it exclusively from now on. I'll know for sure once I get to the full build.

Meanwhile, the loss of Withering Step offers a silver lining. It means we can use Dash again without running into competing cooldowns. It's a big QoL addition. It does leave us fairly thin on sources of Wither application, though, making it really tough to get the maximum 15 stacks on mobs. I still have to solve that particular issue.

Also, thanks to my foray into another build at league start, I discovered a new ring that can be swapped out in maps for a small loss of Chaos Resistance and stats, in return for a big gain in recovery (massive life on kill), damage (100%), and attack and move speed (+25%) through Adrenaline. I highly recommend it:

Previous Preliminary Notes

It's hard to tell how the build will be affected by Necropolis changes yet. The bind to LMB removal is a damaging change, though, as it potentially removes Withering Step. We are already socket starved due to not wielding a weapon. As GGG are still working out the final form of the change, we'll have to wait and see exactly how bad it is.

Poisonous Concoction gets a Transfigured gem version this league.

Note: this is a recently updated version. Notice the increased cost (from 6 to 8 flask charges per throw, the reduction of the 30% increased damage to 15%, and the return of Wither on Hit).

TL;DR it's not looking as interesting as it was.

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (2)

Palsteron's video attempted to give more possible information on the gem, but GGG have since nerfed it. It's likely not going to be that useful, and looks mechanically inferior to the standard gem.

HOWEVER! The new unique belt might just provide something interesting. It's basically a buffed Pathfinder ascendency in a belt, and could improve the build's QoL and counter the downside of the flask consumption nerf:

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (3)

The opportunity cost could easily be too high, especially as our belt provides added damage, resists, and Aspect of the Cat. It will definitely require some creative reconfiguration to work. Once more information comes out and I can PoB things, I'll know more.

A final note that some tattoos will be added to the core game this league, and could be really useful - once we know what they are.

Quick Info

Gameplay Videos & Boss Kills

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (4)
These are non-curated videos, and represent the average gameplay experience. I'm not mechanically focused, and rely on a build to do most of the work - it's an ARPG after all. Videos are Ultrawide unless otherwise specified (I am slowly creating 16:9 versions for mobile viewing).

3.20 T16 Alch and Go Grotto Ultrawide (16:9)

3.19 T16 Waste Pool

Drox, Baran, Veritania, Al-Hezmin

Sirus, Elder, Shaper, Uber Elder Ultrawide (16:9)


No-Video Kills

Uber Atziri down deathless. Pretty trivial as we don't have to worry about reflect.

Uber Sirus down - just. It took to the last portal and I almost died to degen after he died. Degen is a weakness of this build, and so this is a pretty tough fight. First phases are trivial, but the last phase is nasty. No loot (which should never happen IMO).

Uber Shaper not down. This fight is particularly difficult for the build due to all the ground and other types of degen, and the accurate movement required. Our high movespeed actually works against us a bit due to this. The first attempt he was at <5% health. The second attempt was a total wash out. It's a very doable encounter for the build for those who enjoy busy mechanical fights, though.

Uber Elder down pretty easily, despite forgetting to untick Maven witnessing - who kept healing both Shaper and Elder - and activate record (hence no video). It turns out that running around in a panic throwing potions randomly with 36 million DPS destroys everything in the arena.

Maven down also pretty easily. Only the last phase gave me any issue. Died once after messing up the final memory game due to the beams. No loot. Also no video, but will drop one here eventually.

Eater of Worlds is ludicrously easy. Video eventually.
Searing Exarch I will never know, because I don't enjoy the fight.

Ubers I will likely never do them all as they are just not fun fights for me. Pretty sure they wouldn't be an issue for someone who enjoys them, though.

NEW Gear and Gem Links

With recent changes to the game, including those to Poisonous Concoction, our old itemization (shown in the redacted tab below) is no longer optimal. Luckily - or maybe by design - amongst the batch of new uniques are several that we can use to replace those that no longer work for us.

Note: these are my current items in 3.24, and are a guide only. You don't need things to be this good to play the build. See the PoB's and build explanation for how to adjust according to what you can afford/find.



Cluster Jewels:


OLD Gear and Gem Links

Items:Note: these items are no longer optimal. They are preserved here for interest only.


Cluster Jewels:


Path of Building (PoB)


NB: PoB doesn't calculate Plague Bearer DPS, which is at least another 10% single target (and more for clear). The build is probably doing +3-4 million DPS more than shown.

Malevolence is not needed in 3.20 (see Update at the top), but if you do use it the following still applies - Swapping out Malevolence for Haste (thereby picking up an extra skill point as you no longer need one of the 20% Increased Frenzy Charge Duration nodes to cover for the Increased Skill Effect Duration on the Malevolence gem) is an option that trades a bit of DPS for more attack and movement speed, and life. You can swap out the Sulphur flask for a Gold flask for a bit of Magic Find too.

I Recommended the Haste version for general mapping, and it is the version I boss with as well. 250+ movement speed and a 4.5+ attack rate is just too good, even on bosses.


30+ million DPS Avatar of Slaughter version: https://pastebin.com/2FfAR13m
35+ million DPS Quartz Infusion bossing version: https://pastebin.com/rpipt9wp

Note: both versions work for everything in the game. They only differ slightly in their focus. All the gameplay videos were recorded using the Avatar of Slaughter version - which has a slightly faster/snappier feel. If you prefer, you can stick with the Avatar of Slaughter skill tree and simply swap out Inspired Learning for the Brutal Restraint, picking up an extra ~4.5 million single target DPS for bosses (this is what I do).

The boss version uses a very specific Brutal Restraint jewel that gives 4 x 20% Increased Damage with Poison mods instead of an Inspired Learning. I found the jewel using the following (amazing) 3rd party tool that has finally cracked the stupidly obscure Timeless Jewel code: https://github.com/KeshHere/POE-Timeless-Jewel-Finder. I recommend it.

Leveling Guide

This leveling guide goes up to the non-Frenzy version, and can be played for its own sake, or used as a fast, durable league starter. It can then be transitioned to the Frenzy version of the build, or another build altogether.

It contains full leveling trees with matching itemization and skill sets from actual gameplay. Don't forget to check the notes:


Discord Server

If you have specific questions about the build, or just want to shoot the breeze on all things Poisonous Concoction, there's a Discord server here:

Flask Blasters

I'm not always on Discord, but I'll answer if I am. I'll also post updated build links here as I level.


This build is a very good all-round performer that is strong from league start all the way through to endgame. It smashes maps, and is particularly effective for Delve and Heist due to high movement speed and the narrow layouts of those mechanics. It's also a good general bosser. Finally, the movespeed and defense makes Lab runs trivial.

League 3.18 was the first time I played PConc. I originally intended to use it to league start and then transition to Tornado Shot, but I liked it so much I stayed with it. The flask theme appeals to me, and it has a very snappy, responsive feel.

Due to the nature of the skill and the itemization, we get a range of nice defensive layers. As you can see from the videos, the damage is more than enough to deal with all the standard endgame bosses. Ubers are tougher, but still doable - they just rely a bit more on player skill.

Best of all, it's simple to play. There are only two or three necessary buttons - right click to throw potions, one for Plague Bearer, and you can trigger Vaal Grace, Vaal Molten Shell, and/or Vaal Haste if you choose. Flasks are on auto and take care of themselves.

It can do all map mods, though a couple are particularly annoying - low mana/life/ES regen can hurt our ES recovery and send us OOM (particularly with the recent skill nerf), and enemies stealing Frenzy charges on hit is really bad. The build still copes, but it's not fun. The good news is we are immune to all reflect.

The build is also really solid for mid-range delirium farming. However, intensely juiced maps (100% Delirium + all other map buffs) is probably out of reach. It can be done, but it's very tough, and I don't recommend it. If you are looking for a Delirium mapper beyond 60-80%, this is probably not the build for you.

You will need some level of game knowledge to make this version work. I provide a rough level by level walkthrough, and if you know enough to load up a build in Path of Building, I upload progression PoB's each league that you can follow, and take the launch start version of the build to endgame.

Build Breakdown


The main idea behind this build is that the poison stacks applied by Poisonous Concoction are not hard limited (with one proviso, explained in "A Problem" below), so it benefits immensely from Increased Attack Speed, Area of Effect, and Increased Duration. The more poison stacks you can apply, the faster you can apply them, and the longer they last the more damage you do. A fast movement speed is also highly desirable.

With all of that in mind, Frenzy Charges fit the requirements perfectly, and the build provides as many charges as possible - and as many bonuses from Frenzy Charges as possible - while maintaining a decent level of defense.

For each single Frenzy Charge we get:

  • 12% increased damage
  • 32% increased evasion rating
  • 10% increased attack speed
  • 6% increased accuracy
  • 5% Damage over Time Multiplier for Poison
  • 9% increased movement speed
  • 10% increased attack damage

No kidding. At endgame you can multiply all that by 10.

There are a few moving parts, which you can read about here:

Detailed Build Notes

Special Note:: Get the "#% Increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused" mod on the helmet. There are several other possible mods, so ensure you search for this particular one.

1. You need 21 AoE radius, or preferably 22 (52%) to make certain all flasks hit single targets. You can read more about that here.

However, it's difficult to determine what is happening with flask overlap and AoE with PConc, because we are utilizing both GVS (which throws 4 + 1 flasks in parallel), and GMP (which throws 4 or 5 + 1 flasks in a fan configuration). From my own testing it seems that 10 flasks with ~22+ AoE is a sweet spot, and the closer your target is the better.

2. You also need to get some added Frenzy charge duration because of the reduced duration on the gloves and boots. The formula for how much you need to prevent the charges ever dropping is:

60% + (10 x #Frenzy Charges)%

That means you need 130% for 7 Frenzy charges (more for each additional charge), which is covered by +100% from Charge Mastery and 1 minor increased Frenzy duration node in the tree, plus at least one 10%+ increased Frenzy duration implicit on the rings. There are several other +20% duration minor nodes easily accessible if required. You may need to select at least one more until you can run an Unnatural Instinct jewel, which picks up a node for free, and freeing up a skill point.

2a. If you use corrupted Darkray Vector Dragonscale Boots with the +1 Endurance Charge corruption (recommended), you will need to carefully balance Increased Frenzy Charge Duration nodes to counteract the big Reduced Frenzy Charge Duration the boots have.

Bear in mind that Increased Skill Effect Duration on the Malevolence gem and some tree nodes (Damage Over Time Mastery for example) will increase the duration of the Aspect of the Cat cycle on your Farrul's Fur. The effect of that is to require more Frenzy Charge Duration to prevent the charges dropping. It took me ages to figure out what was happening with this. Benefit from my pain. You're welcome.

3. I'm double stacking Wither via the Alt Poisonous Concoction gem as well as Withering Step, because it's such a massive multiplier to our DPS and the more stacks on mobs the better. Using a totem setup is tedious (as well as consuming 3 sockets, for which the build is starved as we lack one full 6 link due to not wielding a weapon). Of course, a totem setup is always possible if you prefer.

4. Don't forget Herald of Agony (a huge damage boost). Despair on Hit on a ring is now not nearly as good as Temporal Chains on gloves - even despite recent nerfs.

5. Dash + Second Wind may seem a bit strange, as the cooldown conflicts with Withering Step. In practice (and you will get used to the timing), it is possible to use Dash toward the end of the cooldown. The build is fast enough on its own, but it's much better to have it than not. Shield Charge is too clunky for me, and feels horrible most of the time. However, it can replace Dash if preferred.


I generally spend around 100+ Divination Orbs to complete the build each league, though you can start playing it with much less investment than that.

Surprisingly, the final version doesn't benefit from a Mageblood belt because of our use of Unique flasks, so we skip the potential endgame cost. Using a Mageblood would actually result in a drop in power overall (though there may be a way to work one in that improves the build - I haven't found it necessary to try). But also, as we have permanent flask uptime anyway, we don't need it.


Poisonous Concoction is a projectile build, and so requires stopping regularly to throw the potions. As with other projectile builds, this necessitates a start/stop kind of gameplay that is often termed "stutter stepping". What that means is a fast move and fire and move again mechanic that is created by a left click/right click rhythm. It's easier than it sounds, and quickly becomes second nature. It's made more fluid by increased move and attack speed, of which this build has plenty.

There are a few other regular keypresses to activate Plague Bearer and some Vaal skills on cooldown, but it is not complex and that too just becomes part of the easy rotation. We make full use of all available skill slots after activating the auras, which then don't need to occupy skill slots, thereby freeing them up for Vaal skills.

Skill Loadout

This is my suggested loadout, but anything that works for you will be fine (the auras you see loaded here are the Vaal versions).

Note that we can no longer bind a skill to LMB so Withering Step is no longer there, replaced by "Move Only":

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (5)

Permanent Flasks

One of the tricky things to get right is the balance of flask charge renewal. This matters most on bosses where you are not getting hit enough for the Flagellant's flask prefix to work effectively. Overflowing Chalice helps a lot, and pushing the quality on flasks to 26-28 via the Hillock enchant.

However, we can now achieve permanent flask uptime without relying on combat kills to refresh flask charges, thereby avoiding flasks dropping during boss fights.

How To Do It

Note: this is an end-of-build technique that requires you have enough skill points to take the relevant nodes, and have acquired most of the endgame gear.

1. Swap at least one Medium Cluster Jewel for one with the following Passive Skills:

2. Select the Increased Flask Effect Duration and Increased Flask Charges Gained nodes shown in the green circles:

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (6)

3. Change all flask enchants to be Reused at the End of This Flask's Effect (except on Overflowing Chalice which remains Used When Charges Reach Full).

4. You must activate all flasks when entering a new area to begin the loop. If everything is as it should be, your flasks will never drop. If they ever do (due to map mods etc.) you may have to restart them.

Further Notes:

It can be tricky balancing Chaos resistance when making these changes, but it's still possible to get to max resist with well rolled rings.

There are also a lot of other Increased Flask Effect Duration nodes on the tree than the ones we use, but pathing to them immediately brings a big price in lost DPS. If you choose to go that route, it's worth considering investing enough in duration to run a Dying Sun flask, and picking up 3 more projectiles and accompanying AoE to compensate. Bear in mind you will need to find 50% total "Flasks applied to you have #% Increased Effect" in order to activate the flask's third extra projectile, which is not easy. It also further reduces your DPS, and necessitates a complete restructuring of the passive tree.

Majordans' build linked below has done both, though if you go that way you will probably have to also choose his itemization to make it all work.

Other Versions

It's important to say this is not my build, though I do think I've managed to push it a little further and in a slightly different direction than others have. I've looked at almost every version of it I could find, taken ideas from them, and made my own tweaks to suit my preferred playstyle. If you want to see those versions, simply do a search in YouTube, and watch for hours.

The other version on these forums (maydie13's Poisonous Concoction AutoFlaskFinder) is about as far as you can push things and is a proper build guide. But bear in mind the itemization is significantly more difficult.

There is also a really interesting version with full physical damage immunity that has been used to farm Ubers almost with impunity. You can see the (3.19) PoB here - and full credit to Majordans. 3.20 updated version here. Note that this version swaps a lot of damage and movement speed for tankiness. Other similar versions also exist, and it's always a trade-off between damage and survivability.

A Problem

GGG have a game breaking code issue with DoT's, and have implemented a "temporary" solution that effectively hard caps the amount of damage that poison builds can do. You can read about that in a Reddit post by the author of the other build here.

The TL;DR is that you can never do more than 35.7 million DoT DPS to a single target. This can be increased with Culling (and we do), but it means the hard DPS limit on this build is 41.5 million and change - unless some new tech is found to further increase it.

Further Improvements

I'm sure this build can be pushed further - and part of my reason for posting here is to see if others can do that! It has already been massively benefited by player input.

If you try this version of Poisonous Concoction, good luck, and if you find improvements please post them here (many thanks to those who already have)!

Last edited by t0lkien on May 13, 2024, 6:44:35 AM

Last bumped on Jun 6, 2024, 1:22:03 AM

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (7)

Posted by
on Jun 25, 2022, 1:56:52 PM

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (8)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (9)

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Are you sure you have enough power to start determination?

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (10)

Posted by
on Jun 28, 2022, 10:35:20 PM

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d1049630894 wrote:

Are you sure you have enough power to start determination?

I'm not sure what you mean, but the Unnatural Instinct version (which I've just transitioned to now) runs Determination, Malevolence, Purity of Elements, Defiance Banner, Herald of Agony, and level 1 Clarity - all with 2 mana to spare. It's also chaos capped, finally.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/JFu6vxZc

Last edited by t0lkien on Jun 29, 2022, 3:46:27 AM

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (11)

Posted by
on Jun 29, 2022, 12:24:57 AM

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (12)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (13)

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t0lkien wrote:


d1049630894 wrote:

Are you sure you have enough power to start determination?

I'm not sure what you mean, but the Unnatural Instinct version (which I've just transitioned to now) runs Determination, Malevolence, Purity of Elements, Defiance Banner, Herald of Agony, and level 1 Clarity - all with 2 mana to spare. It's also chaos capped, finally.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/Z9QtTRLJ

I saw in the previous Poe that the power was only 131, so I replaced inspired learning with timeless jewel. And I can't open clarity. I think it's because my belt doesn't increase magic value, and my level is only 94. I wonder if I should change the plaster to sovereignty? I used some equipment left by myself to assemble, so I modified some of the equipment, but it hasn't been assembled yet, and the jewelry hasn't been purchased yet. Oh, I almost forgot that I only have level 3 ambient support. Can you check my Poe and give some suggestions?
I use translation software, so I think I may not express clearly in some places. Anyway, thank you for your reply. :D


Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (14)

Posted by
on Jun 29, 2022, 1:20:26 AM

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30mln dps IS SO BIG!

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (15)

Posted by
on Jun 29, 2022, 2:49:53 AM

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (16)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (17)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (18)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (19)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (20)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (21)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (22)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (23)

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d1049630894 wrote:

I saw in the previous Poe that the power was only 131, so I replaced inspired learning with timeless jewel. And I can't open clarity. I think it's because my belt doesn't increase magic value, and my level is only 94. I wonder if I should change the plaster to sovereignty? I used some equipment left by myself to assemble, so I modified some of the equipment, but it hasn't been assembled yet, and the jewelry hasn't been purchased yet. Oh, I almost forgot that I only have level 3 ambient support. Can you check my Poe and give some suggestions?
I use translation software, so I think I may not express clearly in some places. Anyway, thank you for your reply. :D


I'm no expert, but here are my suggestions:

Your build looks pretty good, but you are missing a couple of important things.

The first thing you need to do is get the Grants Level 20 Aspect of the Cat Skill on one of your rare items (I can't see it anywhere). I put it on my belt. Without that you are not getting any of the benefit from your Farrul's Fur, which makes Aspect of the Cat free.

The next thing I would say is get your AoE radius from 18 to 21 without the use of a Dying Sun. If your character has ascended (the PoB doesn't show it), then you are exactly 21 only when Dying Sun is active. But the extra projectiles don't help single target, and it will drop while you're fighting bosses anyway. When that happens you will lose the AoE and a lot of damage.

If you look at my PoB you will see I have the 12% AoE craft on my neck, and have 5% AoE implicits on 2 of my jewels. That's an extra 22% AoE.

Also you might want to get Non-Channeling Skills Have -# to Total Mana Cost craft on your rare ring, and possibly pick up a Watcher's Eye with Non-Channeling Skills Have -# to Total Mana Cost While Affected by Clarity mod (that's the only reason to run a Clarity gem). Otherwise I think you might run out of ES and mana, especially on bosses.

Apart from that, try to get your Hit Chance to 100%, and work towards getting the Forbidden Flesh and Forbidden Flame jewels with Avatar of the Slaughter on them. They are actually a huge damage, movement speed, and evasion boost.

Last edited by t0lkien on Jun 29, 2022, 3:23:34 AM

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (24)

Posted by
on Jun 29, 2022, 3:03:42 AM

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (25)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (26)

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t0lkien wrote:


d1049630894 wrote:

I saw in the previous Poe that the power was only 131, so I replaced inspired learning with timeless jewel. And I can't open clarity. I think it's because my belt doesn't increase magic value, and my level is only 94. I wonder if I should change the plaster to sovereignty? I used some equipment left by myself to assemble, so I modified some of the equipment, but it hasn't been assembled yet, and the jewelry hasn't been purchased yet. Oh, I almost forgot that I only have level 3 ambient support. Can you check my Poe and give some suggestions?
I use translation software, so I think I may not express clearly in some places. Anyway, thank you for your reply. :D


I'm no expert, but here are my suggestions:

Your build looks pretty good, but you are missing a couple of important things.

The first thing you need to do is get the Grants Level 20 Aspect of the Cat Skill on one of your rare items (I can't see it anywhere). I put it on my belt. Without that you are not getting any of the benefit from your Farrul's Fur, which makes Aspect of the Cat free.

The next thing I would say is get your AoE radius from 18 to 21 without the use of a Dying Sun. If your character has ascended (the PoB doesn't show it), then you are exactly 21 only when Dying Sun is active. But the extra projectiles don't help single target, and it will drop while you're fighting bosses anyway. When that happens you will lose the AoE and a lot of damage.

If you look at my PoB you will see I have the 12% AoE craft on my neck, and have 5% AoE implicits on 2 of my jewels. That's an extra 22% AoE.

Also you might want to get Non-Channeling Skills Have -# to Total Mana Cost craft on your rare ring, and possibly pick up a Watcher's Eye with Non-Channeling Skills Have -# to Total Mana Cost While Affected by Clarity mod (that's the only reason to run a Clarity gem). Otherwise I think you might run out of ES and mana, especially on bosses.

Apart from that, try to get your Hit Chance to 100%, and work towards getting the Forbidden Flesh and Forbidden Flame jewels with Avatar of the Slaughter on them. They are actually a huge damage, movement speed, and evasion boost.

Oh, I have reserved some places for skill range and reducing magic consumption, but I forgot the aspect of the cat on the way to find element resistance. I think I need to readjust my belt or ring. Thank you

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (27)

Posted by
on Jun 29, 2022, 4:10:34 AM

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Hi i got question, how i can max dps in that build?


Last edited by Jarobot99 on Jun 30, 2022, 7:18:09 AM

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (28)

Posted by
on Jun 30, 2022, 5:02:10 AM

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (29)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (30)

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Jarobot99 wrote:

Hi i got question, how i can max dps in that build?


Your build and gear look good, but you are lacking a few levels still. You also need to add both Herald of Agony, and Plague Bearer to full DPS calculations (by ticking the "Include in Full DPS" in the Skills section of PoB).

With 3 more levels you can take Dirty Techniques in the tree (and the two minor nodes before it), and 2 more after that you can take Unwaveringly Evil in your Large Cluster Jewel. The final point will activate the last Small Jewel Socket in your Small Cluster Jewel where you can put a damage + life jewel. Then once your Awakened Vicious Projectiles gets to level 5 (it's currently 2), you will have 28+ million DPS. I think the other ~2 million difference between yours and mine is gear related.

However... you are cheating a bit by selecting "9" counts for Poisonous Concoction. You have only 21 AoE, which actually only guarantees 8 flasks overlapping on a single target. You need to get that to 22 to guarantee 9 (see my Note in the OP above).

You might want to try to boost your life and defenses a bit more as you go. You're missing some block on your shield (and the Versatile Combatant notable in the tree), as well as a bit of life. I'd work toward getting to ~5k life.

I had to take Replenishing Remedies in the tree to stop my life flask from running out constantly on bosses. That means I dropped Dirty Techniques. Combined with a ring swap to gain Strength and Chaos Resistance but which lost a +Poison DPS mod, and taking another 9% Spell Suppression, my DPS is back down to 25 million. I'll adjust that up again once I get a Mageblood.

My current PoB is here, if it helps: https://pastebin.com/SRZAYzHZ

Last edited by t0lkien on Jun 30, 2022, 10:36:27 PM

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (31)

Posted by
on Jun 30, 2022, 9:20:53 AM

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (32)

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (33)

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t0lkien wrote:

P.S. PoB reports Spell Suppression as 91%, but it's 100% in game (which is the only place it matters). I'm not sure why the difference, some quirk with PoB I haven't figured out.

It's the node "Revenge of the Hunted". The number in PoB is the right one so you need to get 9% more

Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (34)

Posted by
on Jun 30, 2022, 2:33:49 PM


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Ranger - [3.24] 41+ million DPS perma-flask Poisonous Concoction | Pathfinder - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)


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