Summer's Wolf (Westervelt Wolves, #2) (2024)


177 reviews96 followers

January 4, 2010

Great action packed paranormal romance. I'm looking forward to the next one!



877 reviews149 followers

April 14, 2011

Summer and Cullen met at the end of Royce's first Westervelt Wolves story Her Wolf. Even though pack enforcer Cullen knew immediately Summer was his mate, he agreed to stay back until she gained a few more yrs. Now 3 yrs later, in the time of her greatest need, he's ready to stake his claim.

Forced to painfully shift when her sister mated the Westervelt Wolf pack Alpha, Summer has denied her wolf ever since. But when the old pack Alpha, Kendrick Kane, releases all his forces to kill her family and snatch her for his own nefarious means, Summer learns that she can no longer function denying who she is- a powerful clairvoyant wolf shifter.

Denying her mate is no longer an option either-especially when a vision reveals his immanent death.

I liked this one alot, probably more than the first one though its by no means a full length novel (usually a detractor for me) and a bridge to the big showdown I see coming between the pack and their nutter of a former alpha. (The ending resolves the h/h's story, but not the overall!)

Still, the author has a way to go before her writing is considered "best seller" material, imo. She's well on her way though!

    kindle pnr pnromantica


3,557 reviews473 followers

July 12, 2014

Not for me.

I couldn't make my mind up about the last book 'Her Wolf' there were things I didn't like but on the whole I enjoyed it, I'm sorry I can't say the same about this book.
The story in the last book seemed too far-fetched, well it's that and then some more in this book it's just plain silly, and yes I appreciated the irony it's shifters we're reading about, but still. This book had lots of things I didn't like and most of them I could overlook but for me to enjoy a book, a romance book I need to like the main characters and while I loved Cullen I couldn't stand Summer, yes she improved towards the end of the book but I spent most of the early part feeling sorry for Cullen that he'd been stuck with her when he'd waited so long, so it's doubtful I'll read the next book.
This will teach me to read the reviews, which to be honest I usually do it's not often I don't, out of the three reviews on Amazon UK two feel exactly the same as me, so if I'd checked them first bearing in mind I wasn't sure after the first book I probably wouldn't have read this..oh well you live you learn.

Jennifer G

2,542 reviews48 followers

September 18, 2017

Summer's Wolf returns the reader to the Westervelt Wolf pack. This time the story is about Summer, Ashlee's younger sister. We met her briefly in book one. Free-spirited, fiery, and beautiful, yet completely overwhelmed as she was shockingly introduced to the shifter world with the life and death crisis her sister was involved in. She also had her formidable mate thrust upon her. Too much for her to deal with, she quit school and decided to pursue a singing career. From the start, you know you love this girl! But now it's three years later and she's not the same girl she once was. When she comes home she discovers a family tragedy and danger. There's also the mate who has been waiting for her, Cullen Murphy. Cullen promised her mother he would give her time, space, but he's been lonely and lost without her. When she re-enters his world, he's more lost than ever. Immediately faced with danger the two must act together to save themselves and the pack.

I can't decide who I love more in these books, the Morrison sisters or the Westervelt men. Cullen is known as the boogeyman in the pack. As the enforcer, he's considered dangerous and intimidating, but they really don't know the man. He's been hurt over the years with the deadly duties piled upon him. He's accepted his role, but doesn't revel in it. My heart hurt for him. I ended up loveing him more than I ever thought I would. Summer is also different than expected. Appearances are deceiving. She may look like an angel, but she's tough and a bit mean. I was glad that she resolved her issues with Cullen and with Ashleigh in a timely manner. She's not meant to be so moody. She's definitely well suited for Cullen. Together they heal each other's pain and give the other strength. I love when she calls him my Cullen and gets all protective about him!

This is a short, enjoyable read. I love the love being found during the ongoing war. I can't wait to se more of the royal family find love and to track down their lost sibling!

Yvonne Daniels

2,447 reviews19 followers

July 23, 2016

Summer's Wolf The Westervelt Wolves Book 2
by Rebecca Royce
Rebecca Royce writes in a way that draws you into the story. Even though the things that her characters experiences are leagues out of our experience, we can still feel empathy for their story, it makes the story so believable and when you know the place that the characters live fantasy or not you are ready to return to the town again and again. Rebecca Royce has a great imagination she focus on the inner thoughts and the actions of her characters. I love more than thing how she combines the outer and inter happenings for her scenes. She uses the tension between the characters through out the story, so you can enjoy what it is they bring to the story. This is an excellent paranormal romance. The town and minor characters came to life for me, making the story that much more enjoyable. If you want to laugh, cry and feel like happily ever after is a real thing, this book is for you. Rebecca Royce has a gift for developing innovative, engrossing and believable story lines. She builds awesome fantasy worlds , providing amazing details that flesh out and enhance the story as well as the three dimensional primary and secondary characters. This story is tightly written, well paced and has a number of unexpected twists and character development is outstanding. Rebecca Royce is not only gifted at creating a story that comes alive, but her characters have a deep three dimensional development. I like that she is a author that develops a strong female protagonists who has the internal strength to overcome. The male protagonists are alpha but have an inner core that allows them to feel.. Another thing I especially like in this story and of her other stories is that Rebecca Royce creates and hones the developing relationship between the main characters, she creates scorching hot sexual tension and sizzling sex scenes. I have to give this story 5 stars and give it 4 flame for its sexiness. Well worth the read! Another thing I like is teasers I know some of you may not so if this the case don't read the next paragraph.

Excerpt From: Summer's Wolf The Westervelt Wolves Book 2 by Rebecca Royce
This material is protected by copyright.
A silent sob shook Summer’s body. She moaned and grabbed her forehead with her right hand. She squeezed her left hand into a fist and tucked it under her chest. His heart sank. “I seem to be saying all the wrong things to you right now.” Cullen stared down at Summer’s picturesque face. This was the only conversation they had ever had together so of course he would screw it up. Her blonde hair was somehow more glorious than her mother’s was at the same age. This strange fact had to be because of the way it seemed to glow.
Recognizing the irony, the man of silence couldn’t stand that very event between them. He finally spoke. “Then what would you like me to tell you?” Cullen refused to play feminine mind games with her. Being mated with a woman didn’t necessarily mean that mate came with unlimited patience. “I want you to tell me how you’re going to kill the people who did this to my family.” “What?” Shock slammed into his chest like a ninja kick. “You are an assassin right?

This is a AWESOME Addition to the series. I fell in love with the first book in this series and this one just makes me really love all the characters in this series. They are so lovable and it feels so real. Rebecca Royce is a Fantastic storyteller you will really really enjoy reading this book. If you are anything like me, I'm a hopeless romantic and this story gives you everything from romance to action too so much more. But I want to say I know every book isn't for everyone so If this is not the kind of book or genre you like to read, skip this book. However, if you're a fan of all things naughty, sexual tension, action and humor, this will be perfect for you. I received this book to read and to give my honest opinion in a review. This book is a great addition to add to your TBR list. I can't hardly wait to read the next book in this series. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone. It needs to be on Your Must Read List!

If you believe in the world of paranormal romance, than the possibilities are endless and fascinating!

5,187 reviews163 followers

April 10, 2012

Originally posted at:\

Three years ago Summer found out that she was a wolf-shifter in a painful and scary way. She's waited ever since for Cullen to claim her, and when he doesn't, she feels rejected and hurt. When a family tragedy brings Cullen back into her life, can these two find love in the mist of heartache? Can she continue to deny her mate even when a vision reveals Cullen's eventual death?

Summer is beautiful and talented. She's also the mate to a 300 year old werewolf. Pack Enforcer Cullen and Summer meet for the first time at the end of Ms. Royce's first Westervelt Wolves book, Her Wolf. Cullen knows immediately that Summer is his destined mate but makes an agreement with her mother to wait until Summer is out of school before he acts on it. Three years later a unforeseen tragedy forces Cullen to protect his mate and stake his claim.

This is the second book in the Westervelt Wolves series and it just keeps getting better and better. Rebecca Royce has shown herself to be a leading authority on hot werewolf romance! I am excitedly awaiting the next installment in this well written drama. This intense, yet sensual, book is a fine stand-alone as well as a good continuation. It covers the details needed from the previous book well enough to keep up without backtracking to previous works. I find this refreshing and appreciated when reading and reviewing a serial novel.

The background story shows us a psychotic ex-alpha named Kendrick Kane who is trying to kill the Westervelt Wolves and their mates. This brings about many fantastical creations as magic is used in battle giving us a compelling new paranormal saga.

Ms. Royce has done a fantastic job of bringing her lupine characters to a humanist way of life. Cullen, a tortured soul who has lived the life of an assassin, is complicated, loyal, and sweet. He's seen many years of horrific things in his life, yet he still cannot help but fumble when talking to his mate. We see the insecurities that accompany relationships expressed well in these characters.

Summer on the other hand shows us just how young she really is. With much growing up still left to do, we see her as facing life's tragedies and making lemonade. She's hanging on to humanity by a thread by denying her inner wolf. When forced to battle evil with Cullen we discover she's actually quite strong in her own right and capable of deep love given time. Ms. Royce has a way of breathing LIFE into her characters, leaving the reader with a refreshing new story to add to our werewolf fantasies.

The sexual tension in our two main characters is electrifying and sizzles. We see that eventually there has to be a huge showdown between the alphas, but reading the developments in each new book is exciting and anticipated. This action-packed fable depicts an inner dialog with wolf and man that shows us how the shifters need balance to co-exist. I found it fascinating that the wolf can argue with the man when they are indeed one and the same. This reader thought this to be original and fun.

If a new werewolf series is in the cards, then Summer's Wolf might just be the book to add to your reading list.

    contemporary erotic m-f


5,138 reviews198 followers

October 9, 2012

Reviewed for On a Book Bender.

I had one major issue with book 1 and that was that Mama and Papa Morrison neglected to tell their spawn that they were, in fact, half wolf and might be doing some shifting at some point in the near future. I still enjoyed the book, but it was touch and go for a while there. This time around, I was a little disheartened to see that Summer is now the one getting the short end of the stick as far as her family is concerned. I have sisters. I know they can be a major pain in the ass upon occasion, but I'd still expect to be invited to their weddings regardless of whether or not I was feuding with my parents because they were douches who didn't tell me I was a shapeshifter until things got REALLY BAD.

Am I expecting too much when I think that family should, I don't know, TALK TO ONE ANOTHER?

Guys, I am 100% behind Summer on being hurt and disillusioned that her sister didn't bother to invite her to her wedding. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. That's like when a guy is all "I'm not good enough for my lady love. Instead of letting her decide if she's strong enough to deal with my sh*t, I'm going to make the decision for her because she's clearly addle-brained and can't think for herself" in a romance novel. Dude, face the facts, chicks kick ass. Girls can deal with a lot of stupid sh*t and I'm SURE that if Ashlee had bothered to lay things out for Summer and told her that the parentals were going to be there, Summer would have been cool with it and managed to not cause a scene in the middle of the ceremony. And if she wasn't cool, she would have politely declined the invite and everything would have been fine and dandy. But NOOOOOOO. Ashlee had to make the decision for her. And that bugs the crap out of me.

For the record, I freely admit that I have issues regarding family dynamics. I have LOTS of sisters. We get cranky with one another. Sometimes often. Communication is key. For serious.

Anyway. Ashlee and Summer's crappy communication issues really had no bearing on the rest of the book (not that you could tell by the amount of wordage I dedicated to it). Cullen and Summer's communication issues, on the other hand, did. The guy is pretty quiet when all is said and done. He's used to being the boogie man, the enforcer, the guy who takes care of problems. He's not used to meeting his match. Especially since she's a little bit of a thing. I did enjoy watching the two of them butting heads.

The overriding arc movies forward with this book and it looks like the hidden females of the pack are slowly starting to pop up. I did enjoy the cryptic hints Summer dropped about future mates for the other royal brothers to give them hope. Will I continue with this series? I honestly don't know. Although I'm enjoying the overall arc, I'm having a hard time getting past the choices the characters are making. Only time will tell if I get a hankering for the next book.

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal

    ebooks paranormal-romance read-in-2012


992 reviews38 followers

January 5, 2014

The heroine is too childish, too opposing, and then bam, she changes we don't really know why. The story felt rushed, as if skimmed through. And I wanted to shake the couple for not communicating for at least half of the book.

    2-stars-nothing-special 2014 fantasy


723 reviews15 followers

July 5, 2015

Too short but different enough from the usual wolf shifter romance that I like this series, the individual couples per book as the overall mystery/world domination plot device of the enemy. Good escapism.



411 reviews2 followers

April 24, 2019

3.5 -Siento que se quedó un poco corta -estrellas


Hace tres años, todo en lo que Summer creía se desmoronó cuando fue llevada a una isla para realizar un ritual para salvar al compañero de su hermana, Tristan. Quien al final se convirtió en el alfa de su manada, obligádola a transformarse en un lobo, una habilidad que ella no sabía que poseía.

Ahora, su vida no está yendo como a ella le gustaría y de alguna manera siente que es culpa de todos los secretos que le fueron develados. Sin embargo, nada la prepara para lo que la espera cuando llega a la casa de sus padres.

Cullen ha esperado como le prometió a la madre de Summer, pero luego de que ciertos eventos se desencadenan, no puede seguir poniendo distancia entre su compañera y él así que aunque piense que no la merece del todo, hará hasta lo imposible por mantenerla a salvo.

Por separado son peligrosos, pero juntos son letales, una verdad que Kendrick y Claudius están a punto de descubrir.

Al igual que Her Wolf, la historia de Summer estuvo llena de emoción, amor y mucha acción. A pesar de esto, en mi opinión esta obra no ha podido superar a la primera, sin embargo, fue una gran lectura.

Summer a diferencia de Ashlee fue un personaje con mucho más carácter pero también mucho más impulsiva, cosa que fue tanto buena como mala. En cuestión de saltar a la acción, no dudaba, pero me pareció que formaba su opinión de los demás demasiado rápido, lo que en algún punto pudo ser perjudicial.

En cuanto a Cullen, fue un personaje mucho más cerrado, comunicándose mejor con Summer y compartiendo cosas de su vida que no le había dicho a nadie más.

Entre las cosas que me hicieron rodar los ojos fue la forma en la que tienen relaciones y se unen. Creo que hay mejores momentos que después de un incendio, pero bueno.

Los acontecimientos se desarrollaron el doble de rápido y no hubo tanta interacción de otros personajes pero me alegra haber podido leer un poco de Ashlee y Tristan.

Como la vez pasada, la forma en la que la autora enlazó la historia, me tenía leyendo sin parar y así saber qué iba a pasar. Por eso me sorprendió que el final fuera tan seco, en mi opinión, pudo ser diferente. Algo mejor.

Sigo odiando a Kendrick y no veo el momento en que por fin deje de ser un problema. Espero que los siguientes libros puedan desenvolverse mejor y no sienta como que Rebecca Royce me debe algo.

    alpha-possessive-male big-and-or-lovely-family he-loved-her-first-he-has-an-obsess


620 reviews6 followers

May 22, 2020

Oof... definitely not as good as the first one. I don’t really like it when in romances like this the female goes from immense dislike/no interest in the male to suddenly jumping into bed with them. I get the whole mate thing, but she already knew that he was her mate and still wasn’t interested and then suddenly was?

Also, in the first chapter she walks in on something truly emotionally traumatizing and gruesome, and her trauma is never talked about again and totally pushed under the rug. And the other people that should have been emotionally bothered by the event don’t even mention the fact that it happened! Just weird.

Hopefully the next one will have some of the charm of the first!


Lyndsey Gollogly

1,061 reviews5 followers

July 25, 2020

I actually enjoyed this one more than the first book Her Wolf! Summer was more my kinda girl taking no sh*t from anyone especially her mate, who by the way is the better wolf! I do enjoy Rebecca Royces books she has a certain way of writing that’s fast paced but doesn’t feel rushed! I recommend to all wolf shifter fans!

Dani Piantadosi

92 reviews

January 2, 2019

More Westervelt!!

This is the second instalment to the Westervelt wolves series. The series takes another dramatic turn this book with Simmer and Cullens story.

Ruth Hambley

1,487 reviews3 followers

March 3, 2019


I absolutely loved reading this one and can't wait to read the next one in this series. If you enjoy reading shapeshifter romance then you will enjoy it

gail broomfield

44 reviews2 followers

August 17, 2019

Second book of a great series. Loved each book . Not to be missed. Enjoy!


8 reviews

November 23, 2019

I liked this shifter series.

Efi Staikou

9 reviews


May 29, 2020

I really want to read this book but i can't find it online.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


2,759 reviews9 followers

April 22, 2023

Cullen is known as the boogeyman beneath the bed, but really, his steadfast nature and knowledge of the importance of his role is what stands out.

Joy S

3 reviews

January 23, 2024

Loved it

Blackravens Reviews

571 reviews21 followers

January 26, 2011

Blackraven’s Review:

Just when I thought that The Westervelt series couldn’t get any better, Ms. Royce knocks my socks off with this intense, raw, sensual thriller that made me want to wrap Cullen and Summer up in my arms and protect them until all of the evil had been destroyed.

The pain, anguish, self-doubt, loneliness, and longing that this couple have endured both individually and together is enough to make you want to weep. Cullen Murphy may be the enforcer of the Westervelt pack, but he has a heart of gold, a sense of humor, and a fierce loyalty to protect anyone and everyone that he loves, especially Summer Morrison, his mate and the only person who understands and accepts the real Cullen Murphy.

He has waited three long years to be with her and while his social skills are somewhat lacking to most as he tries to control his somewhat direct and to the point attitude, in the end, you can’t help but love him as you watch the internal battle that not only exists in his heart and soul, but also in his head.

Summer Morrison has suffered a horrendous tragedy at the hands of a mad man and is ready for revenge. Between the animosity that she feels for her older sister, Ashlee, the pain and anguish of being rejected by her mate, and regrets that she’ll never be able to resolve, this is one woman you don’t want to cross in a dark alley. While some may think that she’s young, at times selfish, and a little flighty, she’s anything but, in spite of the fact that she continues to ignore her inner wolf. Summer wields some amazing powers – one of them being the perfect mate with the perfect temperament for Cullen Murphy – and an independence streak that will ROCK your world.

These two together are simply dynamite. The love, longing, and sexual tension emanating between these Summer and Cullen is explosive as they learn how to communicate with one another. Their passion is raw, yet endearing, which makes you love them even more. They are protective of one another and each can give as good as they get. I love how they never judged one another even when things were at it’s worst, but instead, held strong and believed in one another. It was absolutely amazing and refreshing to watch these two accept each other for who they really were, a feat that most people never achieve in a lifetime.

Once again, the secondary characters increased the depth of the story and piqued my curiosity as more layers were added to thicken the plot of the story and the series. I can’t wait to read Wolf Reborn, which is Theo and Faith’s story to see what’s going to happen next as the Royal Six continue to battle their evil father. It’s just too delicious! You really, really, really need to get this series if you enjoy awesome, paranormal stories.

Rated 5 Ravens and a Recommended Read by the Blackraven!

Maine Bookish Baker

6 reviews97 followers

January 30, 2011

The Westervelt Wolves series from Rebecca Royce is turning out to be an immaculately beautiful series.

Summer has spent the last 3 years waiting and longing for her mate to come and take her back to the remote island in Maine where the pack resides. But as she sits waiting he never shows. Summer has never felt more neglected and rejected before. On a trip home something horrible happens sending Summer on the ride of her life... literally.

Cullen has been counting the days from when he first found out that Summer was his mate, until the day when he is allowed to go get her and have her to himself for eternity. Unfortunately he has made a promise to Summer's mother that he won't try and pursue Summer until she has finished school... which is still 2 years away. When something bad happens at Summer's home Cullen knows that he has to save his mate before something comes between them forever. Can Summer and Cullen deal with the tragic events that come to a head or will they come between them?

After reading Her Wolf I was in dire need for more delicious wolfiness. And Rebecca Royce didn't fail to appease my need. Summer's Wolf is the sequel to Her Wolf in which we learn about Ashlee's sister Summer and her mate Cullen. Instead of being drawn to the main character like I was in Her Wolf, I was more drawn to Cullen. He was complicated and a sweet fumbling fool. Which I like to think most men are like... they are just hiding it... I hope.

Cullen is 300 years old. He has seen a lot of horrible things in his time and done even more horrible things. Upon being reunited with Summer he has no clue how he is supposed to act around her, and is worried that all the stupid things that are coming out all wrong are going to scare her off. I loved that the most respected member of the pack was so insecure. It showed just how human he was. How ultimately his mate could be his destruction. Which at points I was seriously thought was going to happen... Summer isn't always easy on him.

Summer's wolf is beautifully written. It was as though I was seeing everything through Cullen's and Summer's eyes which brought on an amazing aspect to the story. Rebecca Royce has a style of writing that I have never encountered before hers and frankly.... its KICK ASS and absolutely amazing. She brings so much life to her characters and describes their feelings so that you feel what they are feeling. There were times in Summer's Wolf that I gasped, teared up, and laughed my ass off... I loved everything about this book from the first page until the very last. Pick up a copy of Summer's Wolf by Rebecca Royce and take an adventure with Summer and Cullen that is sure to be thrill packed and breathtakingly beautiful.


186 reviews5 followers

February 27, 2017



407 reviews37 followers

April 22, 2011

Poor beautiful, talented Summer just wishes to be a 'real, normal human' but instead finds out that not only is she a wolf shifter (which she suppresses as much as possible), but also mated to the pack's enforcer (bad-ass assassin - who is really just a tortured misunderstood soul), Cullen. After tragedy strikes, they are thrown together and forced to hunt the bad guys while dealing with each other.

Now I enjoyed the first book, but I came in with low expectations for this book simply because of the heroine. After the first book, I was fully expecting to hate the annoying, entitled, immature, snot-nosed twit, but, lo and behold, I didn't hate Summer. In fact, I couldn't make up my mind about her because I think Summer had multiple personality disorder. She goes from vapid to mary sue to engaging heroine and back again.

So where Summer reminded me of Pinocchio (I just want to be a real human), Cullen reminded me of a tortured Gothic hero with a tragic past (with a healthy dose of the long suffering lonely vampire who finally meets his mate and can now see colors again - snicker).

I had a couple of other issues too. The 'voices' of the inner wolves were so...human. I think that added to the feel of multiple personality thing because it was like chatting with the bff in your head instead of the animal part of their soul. IDK. It's probably just me but it felt weird. Then there is the witches, magic, demons that just feels a bit out of place, making the universe feel bloated. Again, it's probably just me. Oh, and the formality in some of the speech sometimes when the wolves talk to the 'royals' just totally made me roll my eyes too and threw me out of the feel of the universe.

I really vacillated between 2 and 4 stars, here. So I'm averaging it out to three. To be honest, it's all about the writing. I was engaged even when I rolled my eyes or didn't like the character(s). I found this universe to be very accessible and easy to read even when I didn't particularly like it. I think this is an author to keep an eye on and I'm definitely going to read the next book.

    author-author series-to-keep-up-with


857 reviews79 followers

February 25, 2011

Yadkny's Review

Summer isn't ready to come to terms with her other half. The wolf inside her has been getting a lot more opinionated lately, but Summer refuses to fully acknowledge her. Now she has no choice since she is being forced back to where her life spiraled out of control and to a man she hasn't stopped thinking about.

Cullen has waited a long time for the fates to be generous enough to gift him with a mate and now after having discovered her identity he was told he needed to wait for her to mature a little more. He compromised with himself by watching her from afar for the last few years, but his loneliness ends sooner than he expects when danger comes knocking on her parents' door and Summer becomes the next target. However, the price for her safety may just be whatever chance he might have had with her.

The dynamics between the character and their inner wolf is very interesting and creates a different kind of inner dialogue and sometimes battle for the characters. They have to balance both their animal and human instincts which don't always agree and internal fights for physical control can become a problem, but there are many advantages in securing a happy medium.

Acceptance is a major issue for Summer and not just with her inner wolf. I'm not completely sure what Summer's problems are with Ashlee and why she can't seem to stand Ashlee other than in life threatening situations. Summer's personality and actions came across as more annoying and childish most of the time. Surprisingly, I wasn't very impressed with Cullen's character in the first story where he was introduced, but really came to appreciate and admire him in this story.

The action is really packed into this story from the beginning and more new characters and personalities come out of the woodwork for what's sure to be future stories in this series. The ending will definitely leave you searching out the next.

3 ½ Tea Cups!

Dahlia (yadkny)

937 reviews142 followers

February 22, 2011

Summer isn't ready to come to terms with her other half. The wolf inside her has been getting a lot more opinionated lately, but Summer refuses to fully acknowledge her. Now she has no choice since she is being forced back to where her life spiraled out of control and to a man she hasn't stopped thinking about.

Cullen has waited a long time for the fates to be generous enough to gift him with a mate and now after having discovered her identity he was told he needed to wait for her to mature a little more. He compromised with himself by watching her from afar for the last few years, but his loneliness ends sooner than he expects when danger comes knocking on her parents' door and Summer becomes the next target. However, the price for her safety may just be whatever chance he might have had with her.

The dynamics between the character and their inner wolf is very interesting and creates a different kind of inner dialogue and sometimes battle for the characters. They have to balance both their animal and human instincts which don't always agree and internal fights for physical control can become a problem, but there are many advantages in securing a happy medium.

Acceptance is a major issue for Summer and not just with her inner wolf. I'm not completely sure what Summer's problems are with Ashlee and why she can't seem to stand Ashlee other than in life threatening situations. Summer's personality and actions came across as more annoying and childish most of the time. Surprisingly, I wasn't very impressed with Cullen's character in the first story where he was introduced, but really came to appreciate and admire him in this story.

The action is really packed into this story from the beginning and more new characters and personalities come out of the woodwork for what's sure to be future stories in this series. The ending will definitely leave you searching out the next.

Review also posted @ Happily Ever After Reviews:

iliana G

1,559 reviews26 followers

July 2, 2016

I was given an ARC by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Three years ago, Summer Morrison’s happy, normal life was thrown into upheaval. Forced to discover, before she was ready, that she was half-wolf shifter and mated to the pack’s enforcer has left Summer moody, shaken, and resentful. When tragedy strikes her family, Summer is forced to come back to the world of the Westervelt Wolves…and into the arms of Cullen Murphy.

Cullen has waited three years for Summer, having promised her mother he would give her time to grow up. But he’s never forgotten his mate and craved her presence since he first saw her on the battlefield three years earlier. The trouble is, now that Cullen has Summer, he has no idea what to do with her. Three hundred years of being alone has left Cullen socially inept and more lonesome than he would ever admit. He lives with the guilt and shame of his deeds, while knowing his role is pivotal to the pack’s survival.

Together, Cullen and Summer will heal each other’s wounds and discover that life is worth living as long as they are together. Now there’s just the little matter of Kendrick and Claudius, their evil henchmen, the army of miscreant wolves, and the demons that keep attacking. If they can survive, their love will be everlasting. But failure will mean not only their destruction, but the end of the Westervelt Wolves.

This is Cullen's and Summer's book and the 2nd book in the series and i can tell you from the start that it doesn't disappoint at all.
Though short this book is packed with action.
We see the pack going against the bad men again and trying to set their plans into motion to return the missing women.
Also we see Summer evolve and grow and we finally see Cullen meeting his match.
Another great addition to the series!!!

Ingrid Stephanie Jordan

1,862 reviews21 followers

July 22, 2016

Title: Summer’s Wolf
Series: The Westervelt Wolves
Destination: Book 2, 196 Pages, StandAlone
Author: Rebecca Royce
Reviewer: Ingrid Stephanie Jordan
Genre: #PRN #WolfShifters #Witches
My Score: #5stars☆☆☆☆☆

Everytime I read another one of Ms. Rebecca's books I'm in awwwww. Each book this lady puts out with her imagination is just phenomenal. This lady is an exceptional writer and this is just one of her books that you should read make sure you start with book 1 low this series the Westfield wolves is going to be fantastic I do recommend it.
Cullen Murphy is a Wolf who is the pack Enforcer. He's lived for over three hundred years never thinking that he would find his mate in fact he gave up looking. Then 3 years ago at a ceremony he saw her, he smelled her, he want her, but her mother stopped him saying she was too young, making him promise not to touch her, being a Wolf of his word, he waited patiently and waited and waited and now 3 years have passed and he wants her.
Claudius Brouseax is a dark evil witch, is who does Kendrick's bidding , he loves making spells but he has an agenda. He is a murderer with pure evil way. He started this all cause he wanted the Westervelt Wolves.
Summer Morrison is the Alpha's Mate, Ashlee's sister, as well as a rare white wolf. Summer never knew she was a Wolf or that her dreams meant something. What she did know was she did not want to speak to or let her wolf out. Cullen was her mate so what she didn't need him ever or her sister. What she needed was to see her mother and dad, going home to the loving arms. Will Summer embrace her heritage? I was gifted this book for an honest and truthful review.


313 reviews2 followers

July 29, 2016

After her parents brutal murders, Summer is rescued by the pack she has tried to stay away from since finding out about her shifting abilities. Going back to her sister and the rest of the pack will lead her into much more than she can imagine. But being next to the man she can't forget may be the real adventure.

Cullen is the oldest wolf in his pack, and a very efficient assassin. He has lived through betrayals and complete heart break. Finding his mate should have been a joyous time, but three years of waiting for her is almost more than he can bear. Now that he's bringing her home can he continue to keep his distance?

I loved Cullen in this story! He is strong and protective even with all the pain he carries inside. Summer is a firecracker! She is sassy and brave and doesn't let anything stand in her way. These two have to overcome misconceptions and then they are thrown into one moment of danger after another. Seriously, you would think, ok they get a break for some sugar sugar time, and NOPE, the bad guys come knocking again. BUT, that's what made for such an exciting story! I loved it, I have a hard time with books being able to truly surprise me. Well, this one did not disappoint. Even if I knew something was coming I had no idea the twist this clever author was going to throw into the mix. So big kudos for making it exciting and unexpected! I was not only drawn to the main couple but the secondary characters as well. I am so invested and chomping at the bit to find out what happens to the rest of the pack! If you like adventure, excitement, paranormal, and romance then you don't want to miss this story!

Received a copy for an honest review.

Angie ~aka Reading Machine~

3,525 reviews135 followers

November 15, 2013

Summer Morrison has been estranged from her family since learning about her wolf shifter heritage. Summer refuses to accept her wolf or even listen to her wolf either. Upon arriving at her family home, she knows that something is terribly wrong and seeks out answers. Seeing both her parents are dead she's stunned knowing it's too late for anything now. Her parents murderer is still there with a message for Tristan turn over the pack to former Alpha Kendrick before it's too late. Cullen Murphy comes to Summer's rescue and wants her now more than ever. They return to Westervelt Island where there is uncomfortable reunion between Ashlee and Summer. Summer blames Ashlee for their parents death and doesn't anything to do with her. Summer turns to Cullen for comfort and solace. Cullen wants nothing more than Summer to embrace her wolf so they can complete the mating ritual. Cullen understands Summer better than anyone else. Can Kendrick be stopped? Will Summer accept her wolf? Will Summer admit her feelings for Cullen? Will Cullen help Summer get her revenge? Your answers await you in Summer's Wolf.

This is an intriguing series about wolves. I love that these wolves are born not made like other wolves I've seen in other books. Ms. Royce presents a fascinating look into wolves that most other authors seem to miss; mind you I'm not knocking other authors that write about wolves don't know there subject because they do. I'll happily read any type of wolf book that's out there. I look forward to continuing this series.

Julie Ramsey

Author2 books33 followers

November 30, 2012

Summer Wolf

Summer Morrison was just another college student, until her sister and mother needed her to help lift a magical curse off the Westervelt Wolves. She finds out her mother is a really a wolf and her sister and mate are also wolf shifters. Does that mean she is also? During the ritual she makes eye contact with Cullen and a voice yells mate in her head. She feels such a pull to take this man. He lets her leave and no further contact for 3 long years. Then with horror of unimaginable proportions they are thrust together.

Cullen the bogeyman of the Westervelt Wolves is one of the oldest wolf's of this pack. He wanted to end his existences of loneliness, just as he is about to help his Prince and New Alpha by dieing he smells his mate. Her mother has other ideas wait till she finishes college. He unwilling agrees. Finally they are together and both have walls and insecurity's. They must overcome all this if they are to live.

Book 2
First let me say this is not a stand alone book.
I really enjoyed watching Cullen and Summer work through all of their issues as a team unit. They head out for justice and what a ride, twist and turns, page turning action and romance. I really enjoyed this book it did not let me down, lots of issues with all these characters yet not overwhelming to the book.


Summer's Wolf (Westervelt Wolves, #2) (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.