THE BEST Easy Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe | Montana Happy (2024)

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Easy Hot Cranberry Tea Recipeis the perfect tea to make for your holiday gatherings. Not only does it taste great, but it’s beautiful to look at through a clear glass mug.

If you’re looking for more hot tea recipes, Coconut Thai Tea and Herbal Bedtime Tea Recipe are some more recipes to try.

THE BEST Easy Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe | Montana Happy (1)

This recipe combines the tangy taste of cranberries and lemons with the sweetness of oranges. Allowing the flavors to blend together takes this tea to a different level.

It’s an easy recipe to make and very tasty. When you’re looking for a combination of flavors that’s not too sweet and not too tart – this recipe will satisfy your taste buds.

“The chef that grew up with the grandma who cooks tends to always beat the chef that went to the culinary institute. It’s in the blood.”

Gary Vaynerchuk

Grandma knows best. Don’t you love heirloom recipes that have been passed down through the generations? This holiday cranberry tea recipe is one of those recipes.

THE BEST Easy Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe | Montana Happy (2)

Slow Living Lifestyle

One of the things we can do to nourish our souls is embrace each season as it comes and look for all the gifts that this time of the year offers.

Have you started any winter traditions with your family? This hot spiced cranberry tea recipe is perfect for sitting by a roaring fire with your family on cold winter day or to serve during the holiday season.

Any fruit tea drinker will love the flavor combination.

Creating special memories with your loved ones is even more important now than ever before. Family recipes are a way of passing traditions through the generations, to create magic with their own families.

If you’re anything like me, your freezer is stocked with bags of cranberries so you can get a jump on the season before they become readily available.

My favorite holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas) wouldn’t be the same without cranberries. I’ve never understood anyone that can eat their turkey dinner without the cranberry sauce. (Can you?)This recipe will be memorable for your next holiday party.

Research is part of writing, and I’ve done my fair share of it in regards to cranberries. These little red jewels are an interesting fruit.

Here’s some fun facts about cranberries:

THE BEST Easy Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe | Montana Happy (3)
  • The majority of cranberries grown in the United States come from Wisconsin. In 2017, 62 percent of the cranberries came from there according, to the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center.
  • Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, and New Jersey are also known for producing cranberries.
  • There are only three fruits native to North America, and cranberries is one of them. (I had no idea! Talk about fun dinner conversation.)
  • Ninety-five percent of cranberries sold are through processed foods, and only 5 percent of cranberries are sold fresh.
  • Cranberries are a perennial crop grown in human-made bogs or wetlands.
  • Nearly 400 million pounds of cranberries are consumed each year by Americans, with 80 million pounds being consumed Thanksgiving week alone.
  • Cranberries are loaded with vitamin C, fiber, and manganese.
  • Wisconsin is home to the world’s largest cranberry festival. The Warrens Cranberry Festival is a three-day festival celebrating Wisconsin’s state fruit.
  • The event features cranberry marsh tours, a recipe contest, and a gigantic parade. It takes place the last full weekend of September each year.
  • Cranberries got their name because the pink flower of the plant looks like a crane. They were originally called Craneberries.
  • The reason cranberries are cultivated in so few places is they need the perfect combination of sunshine in June, heavy spring rains, sandy, boggy soil, and cold winter.
  • Cranberries are NOT grown in water. In the summer, the bogs are dry while the plants are growing. The bogs are flooded in winter to prevent wind damage. Most growers flood the bogs at harvest time to make it easier to collect the fruit.
  • Add your favorite herbal tea bag for even more flavor to this recipe.

Now, don’t you love cranberries just a little bit more than you did before? Cranberries are such a beautiful fruit filled with health benefits and deserve to be a shining star in our family drinks and meals.

THE BEST Easy Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe | Montana Happy (4)

Creating a Cozy Life Group

Since you’ve found a recipe for hot spiced tea with cranberry juice, I’m guessing you like all things cozy living. I created a Facebook groupcalledCreating a Cozy Lifewith over 125,000 like-minded souls.

Life can be stressful, and I think we’re all looking for a safe place to gather together and share ideas with other like-minded people.

It’s a group where we share recipes, pictures of things that leave you in awe, and ideas on how to make your life just a little bit more snug. Join here to be part of the virtual cozy cabin.

Here’s the Grandma’s Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe:

Ingredients for the Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe

3 1/2 quarts water

1 12-ounce bag of fresh cranberries

1 1/2 cups white sugar

2 juiced oranges

2 juiced lemons

12 whole cloves

2 cinnamon sticks

How to make Grandma’s Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe:

On the stove top

1) Using a large pot, combine water and cranberries.

2) Bring mixture to a boil, and reduce heat. Simmer for 30 minutes.

3) Add sugar, lemon juice, orange juice, cloves, and cinnamon sticks.

4) Cover and steep cranberry mixture for one hour. Strain with cheesecloth or fine sieve.

In the slow cooker

1) Add all the ingredients to a slow cooker and cook on LOW for six hours. Strain with cheesecloth or fine sieve.

THE BEST Easy Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe | Montana Happy (5)

Tips on making Grandma’s Hot Cranberry Tea

  • This will sound like a super simple tip (and it is!), but you need one of these gadgets to squeeze your fruits. It makes life so much easier.
  • If you want to make your Grandma’s Hot Cranberry Tea sugar-free, you can substitute liquid Stevia for the sugar. For each cup of sugar, you substitute with 24 packets of Stevia.
  • To make your mugs of tea look extra fancy, serve with slices of oranges, lemons, and a cinnamon stick.
  • Clear glass mugs are a fun way to serve beautiful beverages.You can find a set here on Amazon.
  • You can adjust the ratio of sugar to your taste.
  • Add club soda and serve this hot tea with cranberry juice over ice for a refreshing twist on the recipe.
  • You can serve this hot cranberry tea punch the next time you go ice skating to warm you up.
  • You can make this tea ahead of any gathering. Simply refrigerate in a sealed container and reheat the tea before everyone arrives. Leaving the hot cranberry tea to rest in the refrigerator overnight makes this tea even more flavorful.
  • Refrigerate for a refreshing cranberry iced tea.
  • If you’re using frozen cranberries, follow the same instructions.
  • For extra flavor, use organic lemon and orange peel in your tea.
  • If you want to substitute raw honey for sugar in this recipe, you would use equal amounts.

Printable Version of Easy Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe with Nutrition Facts

THE BEST Easy Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe | Montana Happy (6)

Yield: 14 cups

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Additional Time: 1 hour

Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

The tanginess of cranberries and lemon, mixed with the sweetness of oranges make a delicious combination of ingredients that has been passed down the generations.


  • 3 1/2 quarts water
  • 1 12-ounce package cranberries
  • 1 1/2 cups white sugar
  • 2 juiced lemons
  • 2 juiced oranges
  • 12 whole cloves
  • 2 cinnamon sticks


1. Add water and cranberries to a large pot.

2. Bring combination to a boil, and reduce heat. Simmer for 30 minutes.

3. Add sugar, lemon juice, orange juice, cloves, and cinnamon sticks. Cover, and steep for one hour. Strain with cheesecloth or fine sieve.


To make your hot cranberry tea look extra fancy, serve with slices of oranges, lemon, and a cinnamon stick.

Clear mugs are a fun way to serve beautiful beverages. You can find a set here on Amazon.

You can adjust the ratio of sugar to your taste.

Add club soda and serve this hot tea with cranberry juice over ice for a refreshing twist on this recipe.

You can serve this hot tea punch the next time you go ice skating to warm you up.

You can make this tea ahead of any gathering. Simply refrigerate in a sealed container and reheat the tea before everyone arrives. Leaving the hot cranberry tea to rest in the refrigerator overnight makes this tea even more flavorful.

Refrigerate for a refreshing cranberry iced tea.

If you're using frozen cranberries, follow the same instructions.

For extra flavor, use organic lemon and orange peel in your tea.

If you want to substitute raw honey for sugar in this recipe, you would use equal amounts.

Nutrition Information



Serving Size


Amount Per ServingCalories 108Total Fat 0gSaturated Fat 0gTrans Fat 0gUnsaturated Fat 0gCholesterol 0mgSodium 11mgCarbohydrates 28gFiber 2gSugar 24gProtein 0g

We’ve reached the end of theHot Cranberry Tea. I hope you enjoyed this wonderful hot drink recipe.

In the comments below, let me know how you liked this easy homemade hot cranberry tea recipe and what your favorite recipe is using cranberries. I will be posting more recipes featuring this nutritional powerhouse fresh fruit full of antioxidants!

THE BEST Easy Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe | Montana Happy (7)

Make sure you join our Creating a Cozy Life group. You’re not going to believe how amazing it is. Join here to be part of the virtual cozy cabin.

Please hot cranberry tea pin this recipe below on your recipe board on Pinterest so that you can refer back to it again.

You can follow me here on PINTEREST. If you make this recipe and take a photo, be sure to tag me here on INSTAGRAM.

Thanks for stopping by. I’m so happy you found us!

More Tea Articles You’ll Love!!

  • How to Grow Your Own Tea Garden
  • Detoxing Homemade Lemon Ginger Tea
  • Tips for Brewing the Perfect Pot of Tea
  • Cold Remedy Tea
  • Stress Relief Teas that Really Work
  • 7 Best Detox Teas to Flatten Your Belly
  • Cinnamon Apple Tea Latte
  • How to Create a Hot Chocolate Bar

If you’re looking for more recipes featuring cranberries

  • Cranberry Rice with Caramelized Onions
  • Easy Homemade Cranberry Sauce
  • Jalapeno Cranberry Sauce
  • Cranberry Relish with Nuts
  • The Best Cranberry Recipes
THE BEST Easy Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe | Montana Happy (8)
THE BEST Easy Hot Cranberry Tea Recipe | Montana Happy (2024)


Is hot cranberry tea good for you? ›

Besides delivering a favourable taste, cranberry tea counteracts free radical damage, enhances digestive functions, manages diabetes, treats heart disease, impedes urinary tract infections, regulates blood cholesterol and also reduces the incidence of cancerous tumours.

Does cranberry tea have the same benefits as cranberry juice? ›

Cranberry tea may not be as rich in nutrients as fresh cranberries, juice or capsules, but it's still a popular way to enjoy some cranberry benefits, especially during winter, and it makes for a delicious, warm treat.

How many cups of cranberry tea per day? ›

Anyone can drink cranberry tea to attain its benefits. How Often? You can drink 2-3 cups of cranberry tea daily. Excessive consumption can cause gastrointestinal distress, diarrhea and may increase the risk of getting kidney stones.

How to make hot tea good? ›

Bring water to a rolling boil and immediately pour over your tea bag. Steep for a good 3 to 5 minutes. (Great taste can't be rushed—it really does take the full time to release the tea's entire flavor.) Remove the tea bag, relax and enjoy!

Is cranberry tea good for high blood pressure? ›

— The vitamins and minerals they contain boost the body's digestive health and antioxidant system and promote good heart health – even possibly improving blood pressure and cholesterol. — They are high in fiber.

What are the healthiest hot teas? ›

The Best Teas to Drink for Your Health
  • Best for overall health: green tea.
  • Best for gut health: ginger tea.
  • Best for lung health: herbal tea.
  • Best for sickness: peppermint tea.
  • Best at bedtime: chamomile tea.
  • What about black teas?
Aug 12, 2021

What medications cannot be taken with cranberry? ›

Possible Interactions
  • Warfarin (Coumadin): Cranberry may raise the risk of bleeding, especially if you already take medications to thin the blood such as warfarin. ...
  • Aspirin: Like aspirin, cranberries contain salicylic acid. ...
  • Other medications: Cranberry may interact with medications that are broken down by the liver.

Is cranberry tea anti inflammatory? ›

Cranberries have anti-inflammatory effects, thanks to their high amounts of antioxidants, especially anthocyanins and flavanols, which give cranberries their dark hue. “Antioxidants have been shown to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases because they can help lower inflammation in our bodies,” says O'Neill.

Is cranberry tea good for kidneys? ›

Scientists think that cranberries also interfere with bacteria sticking to the kidneys, just like they prevent it from sticking to the urinary tract. Look for low-sugar or unsweetened options. Extra sugar can increase both blood sugar and blood pressure, which are both harmful to your kidneys.

Is cranberry tea good for the liver? ›

Many dark berries — including blueberries, raspberries, and cranberries — contain antioxidants called polyphenols, which may help protect the liver from damage.

Can I add milk to cranberry tea? ›

Cranberry tea has the advantage of being suitable for all tastes. You can add sugar (we always use less than industrial ones, but prefer "natural" sugar, like honey or stevia), milk... Herbal teas are ideal to take advantage of the virtues of plants and fruits.

What does apple cinnamon and cranberry tea help with? ›

This tea is perfect for any season—enjoy it hot to warm up on a chilly day, or serve it iced for a refreshing summer drink. It's a great way to stay hydrated while also boosting your immune system and supporting overall wellness. Don't miss out on discovering the magic of Cranberry Apple Tea!

What makes hot tea taste better? ›

Juicy peaches are also an excellent natural sweetener and flavour enhancer for a variety of green and black tea! If adding fruit still doesn't give you the desired flavour, try mixing in a few tablespoons of fruit juice or puree. This will increase the sugar content and add more vitamins and minerals as well.

Should you leave a tea bag in a cup? ›

It's really a personal tea drinking preference that comes with different experiences. Leaving the tea bag in the teacup while you drink it comes along with a tea that tastes more bitter the longer the bag stays in the water.

Is it safe to drink warm cranberry juice? ›

Yes, you read that correctly—hot cranberry juice. While you, like us, might be used to drinking it cold over ice, Rogers makes the case for heating it up and treating it like a mulled wine.

Is cranberry tea good for stomach? ›

In general, the cranberry helps to keep a good immune system, fights against cholesterol, protects the stomach (it calms ulcers) and the mucous membranes.


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.