Vegetarian Skillet Chili Recipe (2024)



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B Mehta

Never add chili powder and sauté, unless you want to burn the chili and have a coughing fit. Instead, add it after the tomatoes soften and just before you add the beans


Instead of using canned beans, which are too mushy for me, I bring a bag of dried beans to a boil and let them go for 5-10 minutes, turn off and let them sit in the water, covered for an hour. I take what I need and bag the rest and freeze. I do this with every type of bean I use regularly so I have beans with a little tooth to them. This could be done on a weekend day so it wouldn't cut in to after work meal cooking time.


Make it 28 oz of tomatoes, 2 tb Chile powder and 1 tb each of oregano and cumin. Intense and delicious.

Steve Ruis

In my veg chili I use grated carrots along with the onions which adds a texture not unlike what you get when you make chili using hamburger.


I like to puree a can of chipotles in adobo, then freeze them in a plastic ice cube tray and transfer them to a container for the freezer. Then I always have about a tablespoon of the stuff whenever I need it. I do the same with a can of tomato paste. Saves so much waste.


Am I missing something? There is no suggested amount for the chili powder or oregano.


WOW. 10/10, blew away my mom's recipe. Does not need the pickled shallots to be great (they weren't my fav anyway). These are the exact ingredients I used in the order I added them to the skillet:1 small sweet yellow onion (sauteed until softened)3 tsp minced garlic (sauteed for 30 secs)1 can of black beans (drained, rinsed)1 can of kidney beans (drained, rinsed)1 can of petite diced tomatoes1 Tbsp chili powder1 tsp oregano1 tsp cumin3 pinches of salt1 pinch of pepper


Personally, I liked this dish. Unfortunately, the co-diner gave it a thumbs down and rummaged through the freezer for something else. Don't know what he finally decided on because I was too annoyed to bother to find out.

I loved the pickled onions - a winner

Barbara LeBlanc

Great chili with following modifications:
One red pepper, one green pepper with onions
add two cloves of minced garlic
3/4 TBS cumin and chili powder
1tsp oregano and basil
2 cans diced tomatoes, one of them fire roasted
juice of 1/4 lime


You know what would be really nice in this? Some pureed chipotles in adobo. I keep a container in the freezer and scoop out a couple of tablespoons to add to chili.


When I read this from you (six months late), Karen, and, like so many others, found it "helpful," I wrote to Melissa Clark. Her reply, which I provide below, was prompt and what you might have imagined if you were desperate or just feeling creative or in a guessing mood:

"The idea is that you add it to taste. start with a teaspoon of chili powder and say, 1/2 teaspoon oregano (or less if you don't love it) and go from there."

Have fun!

Susan Jagendorf

I used one can kidney beans, one can of black beans, 28 oz can of chopped tomatoes, 2 Tbsp chili powder (1 Tbsp Hatch medium and a scant 1 Tbsp smoked ancho powder), 1 tsp dried oregano and 1 tsp ground cumin. I also added 1 chopped red bell pepper and 1 chopped yellow pepper to the onion/garlic mixture. I sautéed the onion, garlic and peppers until soft, then added spices, cooked for a minute or two and then added tomatoes. Simmered for 20 minutes, added beans and simmered for 10 more minutes.


I made this last night and it was wonderfully satisfying. The first time I make a recipe, I always follow the directions explicitly and then modify it when I make it again, if necessary. With this recipe, I don't think I would change a thing. I used Canellini beans and all of the garnishes and it was great. If you're desperate for meat, I think a pound of ground turkey or beef would work and I would brown it along with the onion and adjust the seasonings accordingly.


Perhaps it would be good to remember that taste is a matter of...well, taste. What tastes better to you won't necessarily taste better to someone else. And what's more, what tastes good to an individual is often as much a matter of what they are accustomed to as anything else.


This is a great almost no-recipe recipe. I used a combo of red kidney beans and black beans, a minced chipotle, whole 28ozer of roasted/diced tomatoes, and splash of IPA to add some liquid. The pickled onions were a welcome addition. My toddlers loved it.

Rio S

Fine pantry meal. Not super flavorful and needs a lot of sour cream and veg to make balanced


Wow. More flavor than I figured there would be. I used 1 can of flavored chili beans and 1 can of navy beans. Added a couple of canned adobo chiles chopped up. Otherwise followed directions as written. Wasn’t a fan of the pickled onions. Avocado is a great garnish. Used a little shredded cheese instead of sour cream but I’ll bet that would be good. Thumbs up.


Made exactly as written, and it was good. To suit my personal taste, I added toward the end of cooking a little tomato paste, a little water, cumin, coriander, smoked paprika, and because it was too late to add fresh, some jarred roasted red pepper. For my family’s taste this was a perfect set of additions.

Aunt Katie

Fantastic! Followed the recipe (except used white kidney beans instead of red) used it to top angel hair pasta, then had the onion, avocado, sour cream and shredded cheese so each could make it to their own taste.


Family loved this, including our kids, for a quick weeknight meal.


Added a diced sweet potato, can of corn, cup of water, can of chile in adobo, a few bay leaves. Want to add meat substitute in the future.


We cooked a bag of Rancho Gordo domingo rojo beans before making this and added all of the bean broth to the recipe, so it was a little more soupy. It was great! I would chop the pickled onions though next time, as the slides are a little hard to eat with the spoon.


Followed the recipe and found this "chili" to be dry and bland. Would definitely add more tomatoes and spices, and possibly some tomato paste or adobo to give it some depth. Disappointing.


On taste alone, I'd say this is a 4-star recipe, but considering the completely minimal amount of effort required, this is probably worth 5 stars. I made it as described, save for a few spice additions (bay leaves, a bit of cayenne pepper). It also scales up nicely - I used 3 cans of different beans and a 28oz can of tomatoes, because that's what I had in the kitchen...


made as directed. very dry. where is the sauce? needs more tomatoes I think


Added sweet potato, can of corn, can of chipotle pepper in adobo, bay leaf.


I used this as a baseline recipe since I figured it was pretty bare bones - I added a red bell pepper and a jalepeno, only drained one of the cans of beans, and mashed up the beans a bit to thicken it. I had it on top of Fritos with the pickled onions and avocado, and it would have been vegan had I not added cheese. What a nice, cheap comfort food to have in my repertoire.


Great weeknight meal! I added a bell pepper with (red) onions in the skillet, and then a small can of corn when the beans went in, I felt like it needed just a bit more to round it out. We like spicy so also added a habanero. When it was done it seemed a little dry (since I did add things) so I added a can of diced tomatoes with chilis & simmered a few more minutes. Topped with avocado, sour cream, scallions and cilantro. Easy weeknight meal I'll definitely make again.

allie from nc

I used fire-roasted tomatoes and in addition to the chili powder, I added about 1/2 tsp of chipotle chili powder. It was delicious


Great recipe! Very simple and tasty. I followed the instructions, just almost tripled (maybe 2.5x) the amount of chilli and oregano for stronger taste. I would use different type of onion (not sweet yellow onion) next time and add smoked paprika (as others suggested).Also the suggestion with garnish (fresh herbs, avocado and Greek yogurt in my case) really adds to the final dish!

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Vegetarian Skillet Chili Recipe (2024)


Should chili be thick or soupy? ›

Traditionally, we expect a robust, spicy base, meat and/or beans, perhaps some bonus veggies, and a thick, rich consistency. Unlike soups, which are brothy, or even bisques, which are creamy yet thinner, chili is meant to be more stew-like; it's a definite stick-to-your-ribs creation.

What makes homemade chili better? ›

When making chili, don't forget to load up on veggies for an added layer of flavor and texture. Some classic options include fresh garlic, bell peppers, and onions. The vegetables will add a noticeable crunch and pop of color to your recipe. Fresh herbs like cilantro, basil or parsley can also enhance the flavor.

How to make chili more flavorful? ›

If you want more of a smoky flavor, add cumin, Spanish paprika, ancho chili powder, or a combination. If you are looking for more heat, add cayenne, crushed red pepper, or Hungarian paprika. If it's too spicy add a little brown sugar and some sweet paprika.

What is the best thickener for chili? ›

The good news is there are lots of easy ways to thicken up your chili with ingredients you likely already have in your pantry— flour, cornmeal, pureed beans, cornstarch, or even crushed tortilla chips will help do the job, along with some good old extra simmering time.

What adds depth to chili? ›

Not just for stir fries, a few dashes of soy sauce enhances the umami savorof your chili, and is good for adding some meaty depth to veggie chilis too. Liquid aminos can do the same. You might even try miso in small doses.

Does chili thicken the longer it cooks? ›

Thin chili may just need time to cook down. Cook it uncovered low and slow, at least one hour, for it to thicken on its own. Cooking it uncovered allows for evaporation to reduce and concentrate the chili.

What secret ingredient will deepen the flavor of your chili? ›

Stir some puréed pumpkin into your chili just after sautéing your aromatics (onions, garlic, etc...) and before adding any liquid. This will deepen and sweeten its flavor, making it a great balance for all the chile peppers and heat.

What not to put in chili? ›

Beans and non-vegetable fillers such as rice and pasta are not allowed." If that sounds a bit uptight, the ICS's Homestyle Chili competition defines chili as: "any kind of meat, or combination of meats, and/or vegetables cooked with beans, chili peppers, various spices, and other ingredients.

What is the trick to a good chili? ›

Five Tips for Better Chili
  1. Make Your Own Chili Powder. Okay, if you're using a store-bought shaker of “chili powder” please get up from your computer, walk to your pantry, and throw it away. ...
  2. Use Beans from a Bag, Not from a Can. ...
  3. Roast your Chiles. ...
  4. Vary your Meat. ...
  5. A Hoppy Bottle of Beer Brings it all Together. ...
  6. Chili Powder.
Nov 29, 2016

What is the most important spice in chili? ›

Most Common Chili Spices. Cumin, Chile Powders, and Paprika are the most common spices in chili followed by garlic, onion, coriander, Mexican oregano, and bay leaves. These ingredients can be combined to create a savory and well-balanced pot of top notch comfort food.

What does cinnamon do for chili? ›

Cinnamon. The beauty of ground cinnamon is that it brings a warmth to your chili, without being spicy. It works well with other flavors commonly found in chili (like tomato, cumin and chile powder) so you only need a little bit to achieve the desired balance.

What is the most flavorful meat for chili? ›

Texas Chili - Chuck

Most chili lovers will tell you that this is the ideal cut of meat for stew and chili. Chuck is initially a very tough cut of beef, but when you consider the fact chuck is highly marbled, it turns out this is perfect for the low-and-slow way to cook the perfect Texas chili.

What is a substitute for masa harina in chili? ›

If using masa harina to thicken chili, simply swap in cornmeal for a similar texture instead. It won't have that same unique flavor but it works in a pinch.

How long should chili simmer? ›

Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring, then reduce the heat and simmer over medium-low heat for at least one hour, or up to 3 hours, stirring occasionally, until thickened. Serve in bowls with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkle of cheese on top.

Does tomato paste make chili thicker? ›

Not only will tomato paste add a tangy flavor to the dish, but it will also act as a thickening agent. For this purpose, you can use homemade or store-bought tomato paste. Add 1 can of the paste to your pot of chili, stir the mixture, and let it cook on medium heat for about 30 minutes.

What is the correct consistency of chili? ›

You won't find much agreement on what ingredients go into a chili or how spicy it should be but uniformly, they are thick, and never soupy. Chili is technically a stew so if yours is soupy or thin then either you added too much liquid or not enough solids.

Is chili supposed to be a little soupy? ›

Chili should be thick and hearty enough to be a meal on its own, but sometimes there's just a bit more liquid than you want in the pot. While you can simply keep simmering the chili, that method risks overcooking softer ingredients like the beans, losing all your nice texture to mushy monotony.

Is chili sauce supposed to be thick? ›

It's really meant to be a thicker sauce, and it will thicken up as it cools, but if you prefer a thinner sauce, go for it! Cool and Store. Cool the chili sauce completely. Store in the refrigerator, covered.

Should I drain the fat when making chili? ›

The best ground beef for chili has some fat, so 85% lean is ideal. Don't be tempted to use extra-lean beef or drain off the fat after browning the meat. The fat bastes the meat during cooking, which adds richness to the sauce and keeps the meat moist.


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Name: Jamar Nader

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