24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (2024)

World of Wanderlust

Roads & Kingdoms

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (1)

What I love about it: Roads & Kingdoms is a travel blog that combines high-quality documentary-style travel photography, with excellent storytelling, and presented them in a clean and minimal, yet engaging way that is not so easy to find in travel blogs these days.

Their content stands out from other travel blogs, as they adopt a documentary-style approach not only to their photography but also to their storytelling. They captivate their viewers with gripping and engaging stories from around the world—stories that are rarely ever told by any other blogs.

The travel blog's design is minimal and clean, allowing you to easily navigate and never get in the way of you enjoying the stunning photos and captivating stories of the writer's adventures around the world, which is the best kind of design in my opinion. If you want to see what a perfect balance between photography, stories, and beautiful design, Roads & Kingdoms is hard to beat.

Notes From the Road

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (2)

What I love about it: One of my new favorite travel blogs that I recently discovered is Notes from the Road, a travel blog by Erik Gauger who travels around the world, may it be by road, by kayak, or on foot, bringing us all sorts of travel stories that are personal, powerful, and funny at the same time.

Out of the sea of travel blogs that are often focused on planning, Notes from the Road, instead focuses on the unvarnished, messy truth of travel, told from the perspective of a regular guy, experiencing whatever random situations the world throws at him. It is an interesting take on travel stories that reminds me of those awesome travel books by writers like Bill Bryson.

The design balances big full-width photos of excellent quality together with easy-to-digest stories that will keep you scrolling to the end. It is a minimal design that allows the content to speak for itself, all the while being easily accessible, which makes for a great travel blog design, in my book. If you like minimal and clean design that is heavy in photos and text, be sure to check out Notes from the Road.

Another Escape

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (3)

What I love about it: With producing high-quality outdoor lifestyle content in mind, Another Escape blog hit the nail in the head with its online magazine website that features engaging and authentic travel stories and stunning photography of the outdoors around the world.

Another Escape's design shines the best when you are viewing travel stories like "The Road Taken" where the article follows a couple who traded their city lives to live lives on the road. The white space and simple design of the website make way for the engaging travel story and photography to surface and shine on its own.

There is a saying in the design community that goes something like this: "Good design is invisible" and I think this is exactly the case for the minimal and clean design of Another Escape's blog. The website's design of Another Escape gets out of your way and allows you to enjoy the wonderful stories of the outdoor world in solitude.

Indie Traveller

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (4)

With a crisp and clean colorful layout, water-colored headlines, a well-organized structure, and a ton of well-written travel guides, Indie Traveller is an excellent example of a travel blog that maintains its unique identity without sacrificing the usefulness of the content.

What I love about it: Indie Traveller is run by Marek Bron since 2012 and what I like most about the design is its play on the color palette, mixing contrast and subtle colors together in a way that made the travel blog stands out from the rest.

The layout is also uniquely framed and organized in a way that the moment you arrive on his blog, you know that he isn't using any generic WordPress theme, which is a first impression that is hard to come by these days.

His content and writings are also the highlights of the travel blog. An article like "Where To Go Backpacking: Key Routes Around the World" is a great example of how organized and structured the content on Indie Traveller is.

The short paragraphs, a ton of white space, and the display of those unique diagrams and photos together with the pastel-like color palette make reading Indie Traveller such a blast which is something I can't say for many other generic travel blogs.

Rojo Cangrejo

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (5)

What I love about it: This is a travel blog I selected purely of its artistic style because the content is in Spanish but the design language of this blog is one of the most unique designs I have seen on a travel blog.

Rojo Cangrejo's design consisted of a lot of blocks and lines laid out in a minimal way while relying on contrasty colors like turquoise and stunning photography to catch your attention and it works.

Marta, the writer behind Roko Cangrejo is also an excellent photographer who is able to capture the little intimate moments we often experience while traveling. Her article about Sharpening Knives in the Japanese Town of Sakai is a great example of that. If you are looking for a uniquely designed travel blog, checking out Rojo Cangrejo is a no-brainer.

Cookiesound is Traveling

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (6)

What I love about it: Cookiesound is probably one of the most badass mother-daughter travel duos in the travel blog industry. The travel blog is run by Nisa and Ulli Maier, a mother-daughter travel photography team who travel to off-the-beaten-path places while sharing exciting travel stories through writing and travel photography in a real, honest, and sometimes sarcastic way.

Their journey began with a twelve-month-long road trip on a 4x4 through Africa. If that doesn't make you want to hear their stories, I don't know what would.

Their travel blog design is also one of the cleanest you will find out there. Since they are photographers, their travel blog design reflects the importance of storytelling through visuals with clean typography and massive photos to tickle your wanderlust.

I really love their photography and it is something I aspire to be as a travel photographer. Their photography often reflects travel as it should be, rough and tumble while showing a more human part of life in the places they visited. To me, that is one of the most powerful ways of telling travel stories.

Here's a great example of their storytelling mastery: Travelling On The Infamous Iron Ore Train In Mauritania. Their crisp photography and their witty writings keep their experience real and down to earth which many can relate to. Travel is tough, and it's not all flowers and sunshine like what you would see on Instagram. Check them out and let me know what you think of this blog.


24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (7)

Next up, we have a Bangkok-based travel duo from Taiwan and the Netherlands who run a travel blog that wants to break out from the usual trope of travel content like the top 10 things to do in Bangkok. Let me introduce to you, Etty and Chris from RICE / POTATO.

What I love about it: RICE / POTATO is one stunning travel blog, so much so that the moment you see their travel blog, you know immediately how important design is to them. It's all in the details they put on their travel blog, from the quirky color scheme of pastel blue and orange to the carefully laid-out image composition of each article.

A great example of how their unique take on design helps emphasize their content is in their "9 Thai handicrafts you’ll actually want to buy" article where, with their elaborately designed header image that grabs your attention immediately, each item in the list is also accompanied with minimal yet colorful images with enough amount of text to get you interested.

Salt in Our Hair

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (8)

What I love about it: Salt in Our Hair is a fun and colorful take on travel blog design that I rarely see in the travel industry. Nick and Hannah combined their top-notch photography with a well-designed layout, and fun typography and deliver them at extreme efficiency.

And by efficiency, I mean their travel blog is really fast, which is very important for a travel blog since most of our audience are often on their phones reading the blog.

One of the many problems I often have with travel blogs is that they are often slow to load due to how unoptimized their travel blogs are, may it be the overkill photo sizes, poorly designed mobile layout bad server, etc.

That is not the case with Salt in Our Hair though. Google PageSpeed score of the blog clocks in at 90, which is higher than most travel blogs out there. They really did a great job here at creating a beautiful travel blog without sacrificing performance.

12 HRS

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (9)

What I love about it: 12 HRS has a concept they stick to that I really like. You guessed it, it's the "12 Hours in" series that provides not just a detailed guide on how to spend your limited time in a city, but also the guides are clearly divided into hours with phenomenal typography and stunning photography. Imagine a high-quality magazine but on the web.

Jungles in Paris

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (10)

What I love about it: Jungles in Paris takes travel storytelling to a deeper level away from the usual topics travel blogs like to write about and more in the territory of a deeper understanding of countries' cultures and traditions. It's a breath of fresh air to read stories about "The Amazon Most Endangered Hunters" than another guide to a city or a country.

I am Aileen

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (11)

What I love about it: Aileen is one of my favorite travel bloggers. She writes her travel articles from the perspective of a third-world country passport holder (like me) and she shares her story with amazingly thorough detail, pastel-colored photography, and an easily digestible list.

The aesthetic of her articles just screams how much attention she paid to design. Plus, her articles are always accompanied by a stunning cover photo with on-point typography.

A great example of her unique aesthetic can be seen in her "DIY Trip Hong Kong Itinerary: 5 Days (More Or Less) W/ Macau Day Trip" article.

Camels & Chocolate

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (12)

What I love about it: Camels & Chocolate is one of the most colorful travel blogs out there. Kristin, the owner of the blog, really paid a lot of attention to her blog's design from the on-point color scheme to the aesthetic of her photography.

Every element of the landing page works in harmony with her content. Articles like "Real-Life Narnia: A Guide to Jasper" also put focused on photography, making it feels like we are traveling with her.

Along Dusty Roads

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (13)

What I love about it: Along Dusty Roads authors, Andrew and Emily are one of the best travel photographers in the travel blogging game. All of their articles are accompanied by abundant information and stunning photographs that will inspire anyone to visit the place.

Their article about The Forgotten Animals of Bolivia has not just amazing photography but also a clean design that put the focus on the content first and foremost and is easily digestible. I remember reading their blogs extensively when I was traveling in Colombia and Ecuador.

Expert Vagabond

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (14)

What I love about it: If I want to plan something adventurous, I always visit Expert Vagabond. Mathew is a great adventure photographer and an excellent writer. His travel blog is designed for optimum information consumption with a simple layout, clean and content-centric.

Expert Vagabond never failed me at getting concise information quickly without sacrificing the ability to dive deeper into a place if I wanted to. His article about Hawaii is a great example of his excellent writing and inspiring photography.

Sidetracked Magazine

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (15)

What I love about it: Sidetracked travel blog is a great example of a travel blog that excels at everything from unique adventure stories to a beautiful layout that doesn't dilute the content.

An article like "Paragliding off the Alaskan Mountain Range" shows off their ways of getting first-hand stories from adventurers and accompanies it with adventure photography in between to give you a sense of scale. You will feel the rush of adrenaline by just reading through their articles.

Classe Touriste

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (16)

What I love about it: Classe Touriste takes you off the beaten path further than most travel blogs do. The travel blog is designed to almost feel like you are reading a newspaper full of adventure stories with big typography, photography in a grid, and a clean layout.

For example, Classe Touriste will take you to places like North Korea and convince you to do the same with their absolutely stunning photography.

Our Wild Abandon

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (17)

What I love about it: Our Wild Abandon is a creative and quirky travel blog by the duo Kyla and Jill with stories that will make you want to run away with them and do long road trips around the world forever. It's like On the Road book by Jack Kerouac envisioned in the 21st century and split into smaller stories for internet consumption.

Their layout design, for example on their Yosemite story, is almost invisible, making way for the stories and photography to shine and take over.

Asiyami Gold

24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (18)

What I love about it: Asiyami Gold is a travel blog run by Asiyami Gold who focuses on blending stunning photography with design and travel in a way that felt professional, yet personal.

Her photography is almost as if it came straight out of a travel and fashion magazine. The muted color scheme, sharp detail, and old-school grain effect give her content a unique blend between magazine-like fashion and travel that you don't often find on a travel blog.

Instead of having a travel blog design competing for attention, the design of her travel blog stayed aside with a minimal black & white design allowing her unique style of photography to stand out front and center.

To me, that is a great design choice right there. Asiyami Gold travel blog design is functional yet it stays out of the way and lets the content shine on its own. This strike of balance is not easy to accomplish, yet her travel blog was able to do it.

It's Time To Start Your Own Travel Blog

Feeling inspired? Want to start a travel blog of your own? WordPress is still one of the best ways to start for most but in order to do that, you will have to first find a hosting company.

Hosting is simply a rented storage (server) that stores all your website data from the WordPress program to all the content of your travel blog including images, text, etc. With this rented hosting server, you can serve (get it?) your website to literally anyone in the world 24/7.

The hosting server is basically the foundation on which your travel blog will be built so picking the right one at the beginning of your journey will save you a ton of headaches along the line, trust me.

If you are starting out and do not have a lot of budget, the cheapest option and a great place to start is either SiteGround or Hostgator. They are beginner-friendly, very affordable starting at less than 3 USD, easy to install WordPress, and you will have the option to scale up whenever you want.

Since you are starting out, I recommend you go with Hostgator's Shared Hatchling Plan which cost only 2.75 USD per month or if you want something more plug-and-play with WordPress, SiteGround's WordPress StartUp Hosting Plan which starts as low as 5 USD per month is also a great option too. From there, you can scale these packages up to meet the growing demand of your travel blog.

That said, if you are looking for the very best option no matter the cost, I highly recommend you go with BigScoots instead. A lot of big names in the blogging world use them and they are well-known for their top-notch customer service.

BigScoots's Starter Plan is a great place to start. It is a little pricier than SiteGround and Hostgator but the customer service is much better and you will have the reassurance that your travel blog is in good hands.

With the hosting sorted out, you now have a living, breathing (not literally), travel blog that you can shape however you like, and all that is left for you to do is create kick-ass travel content for all.

That is it for the 24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024. Have we missed anything? Have you found the guide useful? Let us know in the comments below!

Further Reading for Inspiration

Looking for more articles to help inspire you to travel more? Here is a collection of articles you might like:

  • Hiking to the Everest Base Camp is one of the most memorable epic moments of my life. Here's a long-read piece about my experiences hiking the Everest Base Camp: On My Way To Everest Base Camp.
  • Ever wondered what it's like to travel the world on a third-world passport? Check out: Traveling The World On A Third World Passport.
  • Here's why I always celebrate turning a year older with a hike: Climbing Kilimanjaro On My 33rd Birthday.
  • Are you currently planning a trip around the world and looking for cheap countries to visit? Here are the 13 Cheapest Countries To Visit in the World.
  • Traveling in Europe can be cheap, really cheap. These are the 12 Cheap European Countries to Visit.
  • For adventurers and backpackers out there, here are the 10 Best Adventure and Backpacking Blogs You Should Follow.
  • I truly believe we need more Asian representatives in the English-speaking travel blogging industry, especially for blogs about Asia. Here are the Top 10 Kick-Ass Asian Travel Bloggers To Follow.
  • Did you know that you can travel without leaving your couch? Here are the 8 great travel books you should read.
  • For the best travel videos to inspire you to travel even further, here are the 20 Most Creative Travel Videos of All Time.
  • If you are looking for travel vloggers to follow on YouTube that aren't cringeworthy, check out: 10 Best Travel Vloggers to Follow On YouTube.
  • The best way to improve your photography skills is to learn from the best. Here are the 10 Best Photography YouTube Channels to Follow.
  • A photo is worth a thousand words. Here are the 25 Most Beautiful Travel Photos I Ever Took From Around The World.
  • Ever wondered what it's like to be a travel blogger during COVID-19? Check out: Being A Travel Blogger During COVID-19 - What Is It Like?
  • Stuck at home and not sure what to do? Here are the 10 Best Things to Do When You Are Bored in Lockdown.
  • Looking for off-the-beaten-path destinations to visit this year? Check out: 8 Best Off-The-Beaten-Path Destination to Visit.
  • Can't travel internationally for the time being? How about traveling in your own country? Here are the 7 Reasons Why You Should Travel in Your Own Country.
  • To find the most inspirational travel quotes and captions to go with your photos on your Instagram, check out 34 Short and Unique Traveller Quotes for Instagram.
  • We often hear bad stories about locals from travelers, but what about the other way around? Here are some of the Notorious Stories Of Terrible Backpackers.
  • If you lost your bag while you were traveling, here is how to deal with the situation: My Bag Was Stolen In Germany.
  • Have you ever felt that you do not belong in a place where you were born? Read this: Where Is Home? - My Quest In Search Of Where I Belong.
  • People often preach about how important it is to live in the moment, but sometimes, that may not be such a good idea. Here is The Problem With Living In The Moment.
  • Solo traveling is not for everyone, and even though I love it to death, it is not always flowers and sunshine for solo travelers. Here are the 10 Things I Hate Most When Traveling Solo.
  • Travel friends come and go, but that may not be such a bad thing. Here is why you should embrace your travel friends: A Life Of Brief Encounters.
  • Hiking is life. Here's why: One Year Of Incredible Discomfort - 10 Things I've Learned From Climbing Mountains.
  • Here's why having no plan is the best plan: Magical Things Happen When You Have Nothing To Do - The Art Of Doing Nothing.
  • Is life getting you down? Here's why you can't always blame life for everything: Life Doesn't Suck. We Just Suck at Living It.
  • Want to know why I chose to travel alone? Read this: We Travel Alone, NOT To Be Alone.
  • For a meaningful solo trip, you need to share it with someone. Here is why Happiness Is Only Real When Shared.
  • Traveling is no longer for the rich. Here is why: "People Think I'm Rich".
  • The Himalayan Mountain is one hell of a teacher. Here are the 7 Life Lessons The Himalayas Taught Me.
  • Want to travel alone but scared that you might get bored out of your mind? Here is How To Enjoy Yourself And Have Fun While Traveling Alone.
  • Want to start traveling solo as well? Here is What It's Like to Travel Alone.
  • Here is a simple story on how I started traveling: F*ck It, I'll Do This Alone.
  • For more inspiring articles like this, visit my Inspiration page.
24 Most Beautiful Travel Blogs to Follow in 2024 (2024)


Who is the best travel blogger in the world? ›

If they can do it, then you can do it too.
  • Matt Kepnes from Nomadic Matt.
  • Kiersten Rich, The Blonde Abroad.
  • Johnny Ward of OneStep4Ward.com.
  • Alex Jimenez, Travel Fashion Girl.
  • Glo Atanmo, The Blog Abroad.
  • Dave & Deb of The Planet D.
  • Shelley Marmour of TravelMexicoSolo.com.
  • Dariece and Nick from Goats on the Roads.
Jan 2, 2024

Are travel blogs still a thing? ›

To put an end to this, we would say that, yes, travel blogs were and are still popular. It's crucial to understand that travel blogs are dynamic, but the latest trends, technology, and shifts in the reader's behavior can sometimes impact their growth.

What is a luxury travel blog? ›

focuses on the finer aspects of travel and serves as a. gateway for the discerning traveller, providing. information on the most luxurious hotels and resorts, finest restaurants and the latest news.

How much do top travel bloggers make? ›

Travel Blogger Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$124,500$60
75th Percentile$50,000$24
25th Percentile$40,000$19

Who is the richest travel blogger in the world? ›

1. Matt Kepes of Nomadic Matt. Matt Kepnes, widely known as Nomadic Matt, is a highly acclaimed travel blogger who has earned multiple awards for his work. His journey into the world of travel blogging began with a life-changing trip to Thailand, which inspired him to quit his job and embark on a new path.

Who is the No 1 blogger? ›

There exist over millions of blogs and numerous bloggers across the internet earning an exciting income. Some of the top bloggers in India are Amit Agarwal, Harsh Agarwal, Shradha Sharma, Arnab Ray, Ashish Sinha, Nandhini Shenoy, Srinivas Tamada, Ankit Singhla and more.

Are blogs still relevant in 2024? ›

Tips for blogging in 2024. Now that we know the answer is yes, people still read blogs, how do you make yours stand out with 600 million blogs on the internet? I use these blogging tips for every article to attract and keep blog readers: Quality and quantity matter.

Are travel blogs over saturated? ›

Add to this the tens of thousands of other people who are trying to create a money-making travel blog, and that creates a lot of competition. The market has become saturated with travel blogs and websites.

Can blogging make money in 2024? ›

Here are some ideas for making money from blogs in 2024: Advertising: Google AdSense, sponsored posts, and direct ad sales. Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services and earn a commission on sales. Selling Products/Services: Develop and sell your own products, such as ebooks, online courses, or merchandise.

What are the 5 C's of luxury travel? ›

The 5Cs of Luxury Travel

Luxury travel has always been about experiencing the best of what the world has to offer. However, with the rising demand for unique and personalized experiences, luxury travel has evolved to revolve around the 5Cs – Culture, Cuisine, Community, Content, and Customization.

What should a travel blog look like? ›

Writing style

Writing a travel blog is a personal experience, so you have much freedom when it comes to the tone of your writing. Write in a way that reflects your authentic voice and viewpoint. Include humor if you like, or a different perspective, and you can even share controversial opinions to get the buzz going.

Do you get paid to be a travel blogger? ›

It's a paid hobby! That's great, isn't it? Not all travel bloggers earn five figures monthly, but you can easily get $1,000 to $2,000 a month in a short time after starting your blog. Below, you will find the most popular ways to get paid as a travel blogger.

Who is the biggest travel blogger? ›

1. MURAD OSMANN @muradosmann. Murad is one of the top travel influencers by Forbes. His #followmeto campaign with his wife Natalia became iconic as they traveled the world together while taking photos in their now signature pose – Natalia holding Osmann's hand while her back is turned towards the scenery.

Who is the highest paid blogger? ›

Top 10 Highest Earning Bloggers 2024 (Earnings & Analysis)
  • Who are the highest earning bloggers? (And how much do they earn?)
  • #1: Timothy Sykes ($1 million per month)
  • #2: Chiara Ferragni ($250,000 per month)
  • #3: Melyssa Griffin ($238,000 per month)
  • #4: Sarah Titus ($200,000 per month)
  • #5: Pat Flynn ($200,000 per month)

Can you make a living with a travel blog? ›

If you have valuable skills other travel bloggers seek out — social media management, SEO-optimized travel writing, setting up affiliate partnerships, Google analytics, etc. — you can earn a lot of money.

Who is the greatest blogger in the world? ›

These are indeed some of the top bloggers in the world, known for their influence and expertise in various niches:
  • Rand Fishkin.
  • Amit Agarwal.
  • Brian Clark.
  • Darren Rowse (Problogger)
  • Harsh Agrawal (ShoutMeLoud)
  • Perez Hilton.
  • Pete Cashmore (Mashable)
  • Shradha Sharma (YourStory)
Jan 14, 2024

Who is the best travel vlogger? ›

  1. Yatri Doctor. Subscribers: 1.35M.
  2. Savi and Vid. Followers: 1.2M. ...
  3. Kritika Goel. Subscribers: 643K. ...
  4. Larissa DSa. Subscribers: 593K. ...
  5. Siddhartha Joshi. Followers: 445K. ...
  6. Shramona Poddar. Followers: 219K. ...
  7. Shakti Singh Shekhawat. Followers: 179K. ...
Mar 25, 2024


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.