Classic Homemade Pizza Recipe (2024)

Published: · Modified: by Shiran · This post may contain affiliate links · 8 Comments

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The best classic homemade pizza recipe made with homemade crust, quick tomato sauce, and just the right amount of cheese. Plus, many tips for making the perfect pizza!

Classic Homemade Pizza Recipe (1)

The world is divided into three main kinds of pizza lovers. Some like it thin and crispy, while others like it thick and chewy. And then there’s me, the third kind, the kind who loves all pizza. Especially with extra cheese whenever possible. My favorite is always margherita pizza.

As a starting guide for pizza, I’m sharing my most basic homemade pizza recipe. Everyone who tastes it loves it because it’s almost impossible not to.

“This is the best pizza dough recipe I have ever tried! I’ve always struggled to find one. The pizza crust is crisp on the outside but soft and chewy in the center.”

-Raychel (on Pinterest)

Pizza Ingredients

Here is a quick breakdown of the ingredients used. For amounts, see complete classic pizza recipe below:

The crust. My basic dough recipe is not too thick nor too thin, and it’s both chewy and crispy on the edges. I do prefer to use bread flour from King Arthur for the perfect results every time, although all-purpose flour can be substituted.

Tomato sauce. For a quick homemade pizza sauce, I use canned tomatoes instead of fresh to shorten the cooking time, and it turns out just perfect.

Cheese. I like the combination of mozzarella and Parmesan, the latter of which adds great saltiness and flavor. However, you can use only mozzarella if you prefer, either shredded (my preference) or as thin discs.

Toppings. (Optional) You can add your favorite toppings to this pizza, but not too much, including extra cheese, because it can make the crust soggy.

What are some classic pizza toppings?

My favorite topping ideas: basil, sliced garlic, onions, pepperoni, salami, black olives, green olives, red or green peppers, sliced pepperoncini, mushrooms, bacon, chicken, and any other veggies.

Classic Homemade Pizza Recipe (2)

Baking stone – do you really need it?

Pizza requires a very high temperature for baking, and a baking stone helps to maintain that heat. It also makes for a crisper crust. After testing both with and without a baking stone, I much prefer the results when using a stone, so if pizza is your thing, I suggest investing in one. If you don’t have one just yet, you can use an upturned baking sheet or pizza pans instead.

If you’re looking to buy a pizza stone, I recommend this one. Its square shape gives more room than a round one, making it perfect for when you want to bake a few small pizzas at once.

Shaping the pizza

Perfectly shaping a pizza is tricky for beginners and takes a few tries before it becomes easy. You don’t even want to know how my first ever pizza looked – more of an artistic polygon than anything. I recommend using your fingertips to shape the dough, and to avoid using a rolling pin, which ruins the airy texture and makes the dough tough. If the dough isn’t stretching well, let it rest for a few minutes, then try again.

What if my pizza turns out ugly or tough?

My first homemade pizza didn’t look or taste great, either, to say the least. It was quite inedible, though I still ate the whole thing. If you’re not thrilled with how your pizza turned out, here’s what you can do:

  1. Read the recipe carefully again, go over all the tips, and watch some videos on how to shape pizza to get the hang of it. Don’t take any shortcuts.
  2. Try it again. And again. And again. After 2-3 tries it should become simple and delicious enough to actually serve to other people.
Classic Homemade Pizza Recipe (3)

Helpful Tips for the Perfect Homemade Pizza

Make sure you preheat your oven. For at least 30 minutes. The baking stone has to be really, really hot to be effective.

As for special equipment, I recommend these: baking stone, baking peel, and baking wheel.

Classic Homemade Pizza Recipe (4)

4.34 from 3 votes


Classic Homemade Pizza Recipe

I use the whole can of tomatoes to make the sauce, but you won’t need all of it for your pizza. Leftovers can be frozen in an airtight container for 2-3 months and used to make more pizzas or as a marinara sauce for pasta. This recipe makes one very large pizza or two medium pizzas.

YIELD 1 14 inch/35 cm pizza (or 2 medium pizzas)

Author Shiran


Tomato sauce:

  • 1tablespoonolive oil
  • 1clovegarlic
  • 1can(400 g/14 oz) crushed tomatoes
  • ¼teaspoondried oregano,or more to taste
  • Salt and pepper


  • pizza dough(click on this link for the recipe)
  • 150 g/5.3 oz(about 1 and ½ cups) shredded mozzarella cheese (or thin mozzarella discs)
  • ¼cupgrated Parmesan cheese
  • Toppings of your choice
  • Olive oil, for the crust


  1. To make the tomato sauce:

    Heat oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add garlic and cook for 2-3 minutes, until fragrant. Add tomatoes (with liquid) and oregano, and season with salt and pepper. Let simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until thickened. (Sauce will keep, covered with plastic wrap, for up to a week in the fridge or for several weeks in the freezer.)

  2. To make the pizza:

    Preheat oven to the highest temperature (450°F-500°F) for at least 30 minutes before baking. Set oven rack to the lowest position and place a baking stone on the rack. If you don’t have a baking stone, use an upturned baking sheet instead.

  3. On a lightly floured surface, stretch the dough into a 14-inch/35cm disc using your fingertips, working along the outer edge and rotating it in quarters after each stretch. The dough should be very thin. Transfer dough carefully to parchment paper.

  4. Spread ¼ – ½ cup tomato sauce evenly over dough, leaving a border around the edge. Sprinkle with cheeses and add toppings of your choice. Brush the rim with olive oil.

  5. Slide parchment paper with the pizza onto a pizza peel (if you don’t have a pizza peel, use a large flat plate or cutting board), then slide onto the baking stone. Be careful when you open your oven, it will be very hot.

  6. Bake for 7-10 minutes until cheese is bubbly and crust is golden brown and crispy. To remove pizza from the oven, slide parchment paper with the pizza back onto the peel. Serve immediately.

Recipe Notes

For homemade pizza dough, here is my tried and true pizza dough recipe with rave reviews on Pinterest.

Classic Homemade Pizza Recipe (2024)


How to make pizza in 7 steps? ›

Pinchin' Pennie$ in the Kitchen: 7 Steps to Making Your Own Pizza
  1. Start with a crust. ...
  2. Add a sauce. ...
  3. Add some veggies, such as: ...
  4. Try some fruit on your pizza, such as: ...
  5. Add some protein, such as: ...
  6. Add cheese. ...
  7. Bake your creation in a hot oven (450 F or above).

What is the secret to good pizza dough? ›

The secret to great dough isn't kneading or throwing . . .

It's good old-fashioned H20. “Water, water, water,” says Falco. “Pizza dough made at home should be 50 percent water. Pizza needs to cook longer in a home oven, which means the dough needs to be more hydrated.”

How to make homemade pizza taste like a pizzeria? ›

10 Tips for Making Restaurant-Style Pizza at Home
  1. 1/10. Do the Dough. In order to make restaurant style pizza, you must start with a good dough. ...
  2. 2/10. Rise Above. ...
  3. 3/10. Cornmeal is Key. ...
  4. 4/10. Simmer Your Sauce. ...
  5. 5/10. Steady on the Sauce. ...
  6. 6/10. Less is More. ...
  7. 7/10. Set on Stone. ...
  8. 8/10. Crank the Heat.
Feb 10, 2022

What kind of cheese is best for homemade pizza? ›

Best cheese for pizza
  • Mozzarella. Perhaps the most well-known and popular pizza topping of all-time, Mozzarella is cherished for its near perfect consistency and straightforward flavour. ...
  • Cheddar/Matured Cheddar. ...
  • Aged Havarti. ...
  • Gorgonzola. ...
  • Provolone. ...
  • Goat cheese. ...
  • Pecorino-Romano. ...
  • The ultimate cheese pizza.

What is the most important ingredient in pizza? ›

The key to consistently turning out authentic pizzas comes down to using quality mozzarella cheese because no other ingredient holds a pizza together quite like it. Mozzarella is sometimes referred to as the glue that holds the pizza together, providing the stretchy quality that we all enjoy while having a pizza.

What makes a pizza taste best? ›

Everything in a good bite of pizza should be balanced. The sauce shouldn't overpower the cheese and vice versa, the crust-to-sauce ratio should be even, and the choice of toppings should work fine together. It's not very often for someone to refuse a good slice of pizza, especially if it fits the general criteria.

What spice gives pizza its signature flavor? ›

I like a bit of anise in my pizza sauce, but the distinctive spice that gives pizza its traditional flavor is oregano.

What order do you put ingredients on homemade pizza? ›

You've got your dough as the foundation. Then your sauce. The cheese is the next solid layer. Then your toppings (after all, they're called top-pings and not bottom-ings), and then finally your garnishes like basil, pepper, fresh mozzarella, etc, after the pizza is cooked.

Should you drizzle olive oil on pizza before baking? ›

Drizzle a bit of extra virgin olive oil onto the edge of the dough to give it a crispier crust. Carefully place the peel in the oven and slide the pizza onto the stone or baking sheet. Bake until crust is deep golden brown and the cheese is bubbly with some browned spots.

How long should pizza dough rest before being stretched? ›

If your pizza dough is quickly snapping back or difficult to stretch, your dough is too tight. Cover your dough with plastic wrap and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. After a bit of rest, the gluten in the dough will relax, making the process of stretching much easier.

What is the key to good pizza? ›

The top chefs all agree that the best pizzas are all about the crust, so salt in the dough should never be sacrificed at the altar of salty toppings. “Building a pizza is like building anything else – you have to make compromises and consider the whole when choosing the parts.

What can I add to pizza to make it better? ›

Almost any vegetable in your fridge or counter can be added to your pizza. Thinly slice vegetables like fresh mushrooms, zucchini, and bell peppers, and toss them in olive oil and seasonings before putting them on the pizza while it's still frozen. If you have leftover cooked vegetables those work, too.

What are the secrets to crispy pizza? ›

When building a pan pizza, it's important to apply a liberal coating of olive oil to the bottom of the cold pan before adding your dough. This not only prevents sticking, but further helps the caramelization of the bottom crust, creating that delicious crunch.


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